
"Everything happens behind the scenes": Kuleba told how allies secretly supplying Ukraine weapons

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation exceeds the Ukrainian army in terms of tanks, which makes the supply of weapons from third countries even more relevant. Ukraine receives secret supply of weapons from countries that publicly deny their participation in our country's military assistance. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba told about it in an interview with Le Parisien.

"Most third countries publicly state that they do not supply anything, but everything is happening behind the scenes," the Ukrainian Foreign Minister said. According to Kuleba, our country's partners not only transfer their own weapons, but also work with third countries, buying equipment and supplying it to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also noted that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is far superior to Ukraine in tanks and in almost everything else.

And the active line of the front has stretched by 1 500 km. All this makes the need for new weapons supplies from the Union countries is even more urgent. We will remind, a little earlier in the office of the President voiced the needs for arms for the Armed Forces. According to Mikhail Podolyak, Ukraine cannot afford a winter pause, so it will continue the counter -offensive. In this regard, the Ukrainian authorities call for an increase in the supply of Western weapons.