
Mongolian shamans in Putin's service: how the KGB atheist turned into a stubborn pagan

Putin went the way of many other dictators, starting to seek the help of shamans. This, according to journalist Orest Sohar, is a testimony of mental disorder, a way to calm your fears, get a sense of control over the current situation and future. Absolute power is often accompanied by a sense of isolation and fear. Occultism is a way to calm these fears, it gives you a sense of control over the current situation and the future.

Putin believes in mystical practices and often communicates with shamans. And just Muscovy now rumors that the dictator has got out of the bunker to Mongolia to clarify the expediency of nuclear weapons in there. How do Russian dancers with tambourines do not suit him?! Putin's life was well: he, atheist "in civilian", first mobilized Patriarch Kirill to "Service of the sovereign", and then publicly "believed" with his agent.

But this does not prevent the Russian dictator from worshiping all sorts of devil (from the point of view of Orthodoxy) like shamans. There is a whole investigation that proves: to worship that evil force, the bunker was called Tuvinets Sergei Shoig. Shamanism for nomads is the faith of the ancestors. Shamans are mediators between the material and spiritual world, they perform various rituals, healing people and communicating with spirits.

For Putin, they also became such a guide in search of answers at once on several questions: "What to do (hereinafter)?", "How to live longer?", "How to rejuvenate?" The bunker can be understood: the ROC is an inseparable unit of the KGB-FSB, and the presidential soul reaches something unknown. And here the uncles with tambourines allegedly look into the future and prophesy great victories. So Shoigu, a native of the Shaman's Territory, became a leader in the world of mysticism.

It was from the submission of the former minister that Putin tried to preserve his youth by taking the pantto bath with extract of boiled reindeer horns (pantas), sacrificed camels and attacked Ukraine after communicating with shamans, which were sacrificed to victory. Shamans from Buryatia even put "one of the parts in the Rostov regions, to fight Himars.

You already know about the result)) in a word, shamans did not justify their high trust on them, especially since some of them (for example, Gabishev) went to Moscow to drive out the "evil spirit" from the Kremlin. As a result, their career ended with a psychiatric hospital. Therefore, the Kremlin dictator has decided to taste the energy of the international market of mystical services, in particular Mongolia, related to Tuva. Bunker mysticism is not a new topic among dictators and Russians.

Tsar Nicholas is known to fall behind Rasputin, and Hitler was a well -known occultist. However, Adolf was more impressed by ancient German mythology (which was engaged in Himmler in "Anenerbe", the mystical organization of the Third Reich) and symbolism, such as Swastik and Runa. The Shaman's theme became so viral in the swamps that the Russian beaumond, without washing away from the smell of Orthodox incense, began to practice unconventional medicine and beat in the tambourines.

Here is a good illustration of the one: one of Lukoil's toplers Alexander Subotin went to treat a hangover in Shaman. He made a cut on the skin and dripped the frog poison - and Subotin gave his soul to God. And it happened not somewhere in the pastures of Tuva, but in banal washings, in Muscovy. Experts believe that the tendency to occultism in the modern world is one of the signs of personality disorder, especially in dictators.

Absolute power is often accompanied by a sense of isolation and fear. Occultism is a way to calm these fears, it gives you a sense of control over the current situation and the future. And, most importantly, complex political and economic problems often seem insoluble. Shamanism offers simple but mystical answers to these questions, promising quick and effective solutions.

Psychologically finalizing the portrait of the bunker, it should be stated that mental disorders encourage him to believe in his special mission and to seek confirmation of his own illusions. Therefore, the Mongol shamans are those consultants that bunker is now needed. He went to Athos Yanukovych - and we see how effectively those advice helped him. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.