
By all means we work for the sake of this war to end the defeat of the invaders - the appeal of the President of Ukraine

I wish health, dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Today is a busy day, a lot of international work. Another summit of the Crimean platform, its parliamentary dimension took place. The first such summit was held last year in Croatia, now the second - in the Czech Republic. I am grateful to our Czech partners for helping to organize a summit.

The powerful declaration of the summit is the support of Ukraine, our territorial integrity and sovereignty, the need to liberate all our land from the occupier and all our people - from Russian captivity. Support of our peace formula. A clear voice for increasing pressure on Russia and this is the help of Ukraine that is needed to win this war. I thank Ruslan Stefanchuk and the entire team of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the state institutions involved for the brilliantly conducted summit.

This time, almost 70 delegations of parliaments around the world. Quality statements. The unchanging attention of the democratic world to Ukraine, to our protection. I addressed the participants of the summit and outlined our tactics on the Black Sea region and Crimea. Despite the many doubts that have been in different world actors, Ukraine has proved that it is capable of winning - despite all the difficulties - in the Black Sea region.

This is a truly historical achievement when the Russian fleet escapes not only from the western part of the sea, but even from the Crimea. However, this will not make sense for the occupiers. And now I want to tell all our people in Crimea, in Sevastopol, in all occupied areas of the south and east of our country. In the occupied areas. Dear Ukrainians! You all feel that the Russian presence on our earth is not forever. I know it. Ukraine will return its territory, its people.

We will not leave anyone with the occupiers. And by all means we work for the sake of this war to end the defeat of the invaders. He also participated in the meeting of the College of European Commissioners - a significant institution of the EU - headed by the President of the European Commission Ursula von Der Lyen. Step by step, we are moving to a historical achievement in relations with Europe - we work for the sake of open negotiations on Ukraine's membership in the EU this year.

There are significant legislative innovations, there are necessary steps in the development of institutions. In addition to the obvious fateful importance to us as a state, the beginning of negotiations with the EU on membership will also have a significant practical effect here and now - for all our people, for our soldiers. Motivation is also a weapon, and it also needs to be recharged.

We expect this powerful charge for Ukrainian motivation - the EU's willingness to start negotiations with Ukraine, a corresponding political decision. I thank all the partners who bring him closer to us. A few more things. Today in Germany the next Ukrainian-German business forum began work. The main thing - our defense industry, our energy, infrastructure are presented on the forum. There are good arrangements, shared projects.

I am grateful and personally by Chancellor Olaf Scholts, and his government team, and the whole society of Germany: our level of relations now and trust - between Ukraine and Germany - is really the highest in all years of independence. We are preparing another powerful international meeting - a meeting on the Ukrainian peace formula at the level of advisers and special representatives. Soon almost a year, as the points of the Peace formula were presented.

And this year is done a lot - our formula of peace gradually becomes global. Now the office and the Foreign Ministry are working on expanding the circle of participants - we already understand that all continents will be presented. Thank you to everyone and everyone in the world who helps Ukraine bring a just peace! I want to celebrate Denmark today - I met with Denmark Minister. We discussed our further cooperation - the preparation of a new defense package of support.