
The drones will choose and destroy the goals: the expert predicted what the war will be in six months

The revolution in the use of artificial intelligence drones will happen when electronics becomes even smaller and cheaper. In the near future, shock drones will be used in the war, which will find the goals themselves and are amazed, artificial intelligence gradually rolks large drones in small. Airborne Soldier and Air Intelligence Specialist, Yuri Kasyanov, in an interview with the Observer website, predicted how such technologies will change the war in Ukraine for six months.

Yuri Kasyanov believes that in a few months the war will appear in the war, which will define the goals and destroy them, small, which are now called FPV. This will be possible through the development of electronics: processors should be smaller in size. Complex products can be placed on a small drone and the cost will be less. Artificial intelligence is already used in drones for a while.

When drones use optical navigation, they recognize the goals, or they make the decision on their own, which route to fly, taking into account external factors, it is AI. Soon drones will be able to fly big swarms and attack when they see goals and themselves decide to destroy it. For example, a situation where transport is coming to the front line, a large swarm of drones that flies to the enemy and completely destroys his armored vehicles and soldiers.

In addition, it will be fundamentally more complicated than those that are now. Currently, such scenarios are holding only the weight and cost of the equipment. When it is overcome, such systems will be able to perform combat missions on their own, without operators. Therefore, drones with artificial intelligence exist, and in large numbers. The usual "Shahaned" can be called drones with artificial intelligence.

He is not managed by a person, during the flight on the route, he makes a decision: as to overcome the air defense, change the goals. It can interact with other drones. Ukrainian drones also use AI. Each drone, regardless of functions that flies more than 40-50 km, has no pilot. Not just stiff algorithms are controlled, there is always an element of AI.

Optical map navigation, finding the goals, switching on the inertial navigation system when GPS is suppressed, taking into account the force and direction of wind, height, compass, its own speed and other parameters are a program with AI elements that operates within probabilities and make the decision itself. In the West, they also think how to compete with Russia in the field of UAV and also lean to artificial intelligence.