
"False in ** ki": Dnipro Mid Filatov offended the participants of the action "Money on the Armed Forces" (photo)

The official did not swim on the epithets and obscene expressions to the participants of the action "Money on the Armed Forces", which released to the building of the Dnieper City Council demanding to allocate funds from the budget to the Ukrainian army. Dnipro Mayor Boris Filatov sharply spoke to the locals who reached the building of the city council on Saturday, November 11, for a peaceful action "Money on the Armed Forces".

In his Telegram, the official offended the participants of the event, calling them "in ** kami. " The city mayor on the Dnieper began with what he always calls "things by his name. " Then, before exploding with images, Filatov asked him not to be offended. "Look, dear" activists "," volunteers "and" protesters ", of course, and despite everything I consider you not just useful idiots. Don't be offended . . you are in ** in," the official wrote.

Filatov was not limited to one image and applied a number of epithets to the participants of the action, who allegedly called the official as a "criminal, corruption and collaborators. " "And the township" Fighters with Corruption "is not even in **. It is a cowardly padal, which was surprised in the first days of the war, then (like those beetles-scarabi) to return half a year before the skiing of balls with g*VNA.

When You run the Dnieper and tell that the Filat of Offshorov is a thief, a corrupt and a collaborator "or any other fool, you are just cheap, worthless and false in **. Unappeared and unrealized, "Filatov wrote in the public channel. According to the mayor, all those who went to the City Council building" have no relation to civil society. " Although he did not tell about the reasons for such an attitude. "The virtues of the official were further listed.

I am the only mayor in Ukraine whom the Russian Minister Lavrov quotes as a "Nazis", ”Filatov writes, among other things. that under the City Council of the Dnieper there is an action demanding funds for the Armed Forces. And this is the second time, when the Dnieper gathered under the City Council building demanding to allocate budget funds primarily for the needs of the Ukrainian army.