
Put ghost. Why Putin's tranquility is confirmation of his mental illness

Putin's fans are proud of his peace and peace during a press conference. But, as Psychology Svetlana Chuninin notes, for the leader of the fighting, it is rather anomaly and evidence of mental disorder. This is where Russian "opposition" political scientists write that Putin has shown himself in a state of "rest, peace, lack of aggression and any neuroticism. " And that in this state, Putin, they say, differs favorably from Zelensky, which, on the contrary, looks mentally ill.

And that the "pacification" of the supreme ghoul is very resonated with the worldview of the Russian inhabitant who has not earned light but deserved peace (c). I would have argued with the Russian opposition political scientist if he had not forgive me a year earlier. So I just say what I think. When there is a brutal war that grinds hundreds of thousands of lives, to demonstrate "Refraction" is not normal. It is just a shaped madness and inadequacy.

It is impossible to be a peaceful leader of the fighting country. The leader of the warring country was stuck to be angry, upset, determined, stubborn. To all the fact that the bored Russian opposition (boredom in the absence of real opposition work) political scientist seemed to be a sign of illness. Ukraine is mutilated, yes. And Russia is sick. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.