
Kursk Surprise: As the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces had been raised under the judge and what happens next

The military analyst Konstantin Mashovets summarizes the first results of the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region. He was brilliantly prepared, which was a complete surprise for the Russians - and so far the enemy can only dream of stopping the Armed Forces. An overview of events (short) in the Sudzhinsky and Koreniv directions . . .

Yes, the Armed Forces were really cut (physically) an important rockad of the enemy in the Kurki region of the Russian Federation (Road Rilsk - Korenevo - Sudzha), at least on the shade of green path - Sverstlikovo. The puppy Liso -Public Report by Gerasimov Pulylov, they have not stopped anyone yet.

The advanced units of the Armed Forces continue to move in the general direction of Lyubimovka - Kornevo, in the area of ​​Sudzh (north of Goncharovka), as well as in the direction of the tract "Melovoe". The enemy's command (border cover) began to move part of the forces from the Volchansk direction (Belgorod group), probably from the 11th and 44th Army Corps (AK).

Most likely, it is some units of the 18th Motorized Rifle Division (IAS) of the 11th AK, as well as the 128th separate motorized rifle brigade (OMSBR) of the 44th AK. As for me, in the active (offensive) actions of the Armed Forces in the Sudzhensky and Koreniv directions, the Ukrainian command managed to achieve the effect of "operational suddenness".

Judging by some "slow" reaction of the Russian command, the process of preparation and organization of the operation (including the prompt deployment of the relevant Ukrainian group) was somehow "past the ears" From the "cover of the Sumy direction", so General Budanov "played" with his statements about "the Russian preparation on the amounts").

Even at this time, the Russian command has a "very distant" idea of ​​the real (real) composition and structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is involved in the Sudzhzh and Koreniv directions, their estimates fluctuate from "3-5 battalions" to "4-5 brigades".

It is most interesting that the pace of promotion of advanced units of the Armed Forces in the above directions in the Russian border is not even comparable to the pace of the offensive of Russian troops in the Kharkiv operating direction. Within two days of the Armed Forces, the territory was taken under control in the Kurk region of the Russian Federation is much larger than Russian troops in a month and a half in Kharkiv region of Ukraine.

Currently, the reaction of the Russian command is limited by the strip of "Sever" - the movement of reserves and additional forces and means to enhance the "problematic direction" occurs exclusively within it. However, judging by the scope and intensity of the Ukrainian operation, sooner or later the enemy will be forced to pull troops from other operating areas (and quite possibly the remnants of their strategic reserves prepared for August-September).