
Belarus will build a military training ground near Ukraine - the media

In the Gomel region, which borders with Ukraine, they plan to build a 200 square kilometers. Analysts have identified 4 potential places. The construction program was added to the Belarusian State Investment Program in the Gomel region and a military town for the Southern Operational Command. About it reports the opposition edition of Motolko Help. Preparatory work for the construction of a landfill and a military town in the Gomel region began in Belarus.

Currently, the exact construction site is unknown, but it is important that the object is near the railway infrastructure. The publication says that the works will take place in the territory of two districts: in the Rechytsky and Gomel districts of the region. There, platforms for the loading of military equipment are only at the stations of "April" and "Yakimovka". This may be important for the Armed Forces of Belarus, but it is possible that there will be cargo platforms for the landfill.

In the tender, which journalists received, the area of ​​work: 200 square kilometers, but in fact the construction area of ​​the landfill may be smaller. For example, the Polygon "Republic" in the 51st Artillery Brigade in the Osipovich district has an area of ​​19 square kilometers. The authors also point out that the Southern Military District in Belarus is still in the formation process.