
There is little disaster. The Russian Federation has announced the departure of the Russians for a month by breaking the landing module there

The Russian Space Agency is going not only to make a man -made flight for a month, but also to build a base on the Earth's satellite. Roscosmos plans to send the first Russian astronauts a month over the next decade, and within 20 years the Russians are going to build the first base on the Earth's satellite, writes The Moscow Times. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel.

Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! It seems that the Soviet slogan "catch up and overtake America" ​​again relevant in modern Russia. NASA is now actively preparing to realize its Mission Artemis 2, when four astronauts on a spacecraft will fly the moon without planting on a surface in 2024. Further in 2025, American astronauts during the Mission of Artemis 3 have to re -land the moon for the first time since 1972.

It is also known that China is going to send the first man -made mission to the month by 2030, and to build soybean Base on the Earth's satellite for 10 years. India has also recently stated plans to plant their astronauts on the moon, as the focus, which is about to create its own orbital station, wrote before. For Russia, the lunar races began in August this year, when Roscosmos sent the landing module "Luna-25" to the Earth's satellite.

The Russian Federation planned to repeat the success of the Soviet mission, which took place in the 1970s. But a failure was waiting for the Russian monthly mission. The landing module during the attempt will approach the surface of the moon lost the control and crashed, as the focus has already written.

However, according to the general designer of the rocket and space corporation "Energy" Volodymyr Solovyov, who spoke at the scientific conference "Piloted flights to space", Russia intends to send its first astronauts a month from 2031 to 2040.

Solovyov stated that, according to the plans of development of the moon created in the Russian Federation, during this period it is planned to spend several manned flights on the satellite of the Earth, as well as to prepare everything necessary for the construction of the monthly base. This base is planned to be built from 2041 to 2050. According to Solovyov's report, the Russians want to start production of water and oxygen for the moon, as well as other valuable resources for the next decade.

It also became known about the more ambitious plans of the Russian Federation on the development of space after 2050. Russia plans to start pilot flights to other regions of the solar system, and the necessary infrastructure for the moon and in the orbit of the Earth satellite should be created for this purpose. According to focus, NASA, in conjunction with private companies, planned to send a special landing module to the reverse of the moon.

There will be a new device on board this module to help detect water ice. Not only water, but also oxygen, which will be used by future astronauts for breathing and fuel, can be extracted from this ice. Focus also wrote that astronauts will be able to survive on the moon thanks to the earth's bacteria. Scientists believe that earthly germs will help grow plants in the lunar soil. We remind that NASA has lost connection with the marbors and aircraft on Mars.