
The German scout could hand over the Kremlin to the war on the war in Ukraine - WSJ

The German intelligence officer, arrested on suspicion of espionage in favor of the Russian Federation, worked in the department of radio technical intelligence of Germany, which deals with listening and intercepting satellite images. A high -ranking German intelligence officer, arrested on suspicion of espionage in favor of the Russian Federation, had access to an array of super -secret information about the war in Ukraine, and knew about how she gathered the United States and their allies.

About it reports the newspaper Wall Street Journal with reference to Western officials. According to journalists, the German prosecutor's office is trying to determine whether Russia's super -secret information has been transmitted - if so, it could inform the Kremlin about its vulnerability in terms of secret data and to issue methods and opportunities for the event to collect intelligence information.

US and British officials have stated that they are trying to determine the extent of potential harm to Ukraine and other regions from potential leakage. One of the officials of the United States said that this case is "serious concern," the newspaper writes. The suspect in espionage, which the German prosecutor's office identified as Karsten L.

, worked in the Federal Intelligence Radio Intelligence Department, which is conducting electronic surveillance and works with the US National Security Agency and the UK Government Staff. The prosecutor's office stated that the man is in custody.

Journalists noted that Germany is not a member of the so -called "Five Eye Intelligence Community", which includes the US, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, but Berlin receives confidential information from these countries, especially in connection with war in Ukraine. According to officials of Germany, Karsten L. worked on intelligence related to Russia's war against Ukraine, including materials collected by German military satellites.

Its department also processed secret reconnaissance data from the Russian Federation and Ukraine obtained by other Western intelligence services by listening to electronic devices, intercepting telecommunications and satellite images. The investigation in this case is ongoing. We will remind, on December 21, in Germany arrested an employee of the federal intelligence service, who is suspected of espionage for Russia.