
Transnistria Events: Call to Russia and Complaints on Moldova known (Video)

The Russian Federation responded to the "deputies" of Transnistria, which always supports "compatriots". Meanwhile, the officials of the unrecognized republic complained about the "genocide" by the legitimate power of Moldova. On February 28, the "Congress of Deputies" began in the so -called "Transnistrian Moldavian Republic" ("PMR"), where activists from the unrecognized territory gathered.

A possible resolution of the Congress may be an appeal to the Russian Federation in some way to "help" PMR ", which seems to be pressed by the legal government of Moldova. The events in the unrecognized Transnistria are told in the local information Telegram channel" TSV Transnestrotov ". "It began on February 28 at 11 hours in Tiraspol, the capital" PMR. from previously uncontrolled territory.

There were speeches in Ukrainian: "MP" worried about the abolition of "preferential regime for our enterprises". In addition, the so -called "President" of Transnistria Vadim Krasnosilsky accused Moldova of "Genocide". Chisinau, so they plan a number of appeals.

Among the addressees - the UN, the European Union, the CIS, other organizations, as well as the Russian Federation and its President Vladimir Putin, - the project of the resolution, which was distributed to the participants of the event, testifies. According to preliminary information, the resolution will ask Moscow for help, referring to the "positive" experience of Russia in the settlement of "conflict" on the Dniester.

Among other things, Russians are offered to become "guarantors and intermediaries" in contacts with the legitimate power of Moldova. At 14:28 there was a message about the results of the voting. At the "Congress of Deputies" the unrecognized republic supported the project of the resolution, which they received earlier. It should be noted that Moldova President Maya Sandu has not yet responded to events in the unrecognized Transnistria.

The last post of politician on the social network X concerns a meeting with President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky in Tiran (Albania). Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia responded to the appeals of "PMR": they emphasized that they always pay attention to the requests of "compatriots" and these requests will be considered "profile agencies". The first reports about the possibility of "PMR" appealing to the Russian Federation appeared on February 22.

The representative of the opposition forces in the unrecognized territory Gennady Chorba reported the collection of local politicians on February 28, where they can make the appropriate decision. Meanwhile, a number of provocations and riots will be arranged, which should shake the situation in the unrecognized Transnistria. Representatives of the Ministry of Defense Ministry of Defense assured that they did not expect an appeal to join the Russian Federation.

The so -called "Transnistrian Moldavian Republic" appeared in August 1991. Local pro -Kremlin politicians stated that they did not want to live in the independent Moldovan Republic. In order to support the pro -Russian forces, the Russian Federation posted in the region units of the 14th Army, which had to ensure that no external forces would destroy a new formation.

In 2006, a "referendum" was held in the territory of PMR, where they asked the population if it wanted to join the Russian Federation. According to the results published, most supported the proposal. On this basis, the then chairman of the Republic appealed to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for accession, but at that time this request was rejected.

During the full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation in 2022 there was a threat of a possible attack of Ukraine from the territory of "PMR", earlier wrote Focus. Representatives of the Russian authorities openly stated that they plan to plant a landing in Odessa to "punch the corridor" to the unrecognized Transnistria. In the region, the remains of the arsenal of the Russian contingent, which are in warehouses near the town of sausage, are still stored.

According to preliminary estimates, hundreds of thousands of Soviet calibers can be found in warehouses. At the same time, the total number of troops in the territory of "PMR" - about 3 thousand people. It should be noted that after 2006, Russia conducted actions several times in the territory of the former USSR, after which unrecognized territories were formed. In particular, thanks to such a decision, unrecognized republics in northern Georgia-Abkhazia and South Ossetia (2008-2009) were formed.

In addition, in 2014, when the hybrid war in the Donbass began, formed there "Republic" - "Donetsk People's Republic" and "Lugansk People's Republic" - also held fake "referendums". In these "referendums", Ukrainians allegedly supported the proposal for "independence from Ukraine" and joining the Russian Federation. A similar "referendum" was held in occupied Crimea.

As a result, the Kremlin decided to annex Crimea, and the DNR and LNR annexed later - the relevant decision was released on the eve of the invasion of February 24, 2022. Another call for accession came from the occupied parts of Zaporizhzhya, Kherson, Kharkiv regions: in the fall of 2022 there were also tried to hold a "referendum". Following the results of pro -Kremlin events, Russia has announced annexation of new regions of Ukraine.