
Another ally: Russia has found a new assistant to finance the war in Ukraine

In the first half of November 2023, Russia sent more than 800,000 tons of Urals oil to Ankara. This is 200 thousand tons more than the results of the same period in October. Russia is under unprecedented sanctions from the United States and the European Union, so it is important to make the aggressor on hydrocarbons.

But in December 2022 the threshold of the price of Russian oil enables Western companies to transport, trade or insure "black gold" with a Russian Federation only at a price of $ 60 per barrel or below. However, Moscow has found new partners who actively buy its oil even in the conditions of sanctions: China, India and Turkey. For example, imports of Russian oil Urals to Turkey in November 2023 will reach a record level, reports Reuters.

At the same time, the purchase of Russian oil by other major buyers - India and China - will remain stable, despite the smaller planned volumes. Traders believe that according to November the supply of Urals to Turkey will exceed October 1. 4 million tons and even bypass the historic peak of October 2022 into 1. 43 million tons. According to preliminary data, the Russian Federation has sold Turkey to more than 800 thousand tons of its elite oil - a 200 thousand tons more than in October.

The load took place in Russian ports from November 1 to November 15. It is noted that Turkey has begun to buy more actively Russian oil after its largest oil refining plant, owned by the Azerbaijani SOCAR, has concluded an agreement with the Russian company Lukoil on urgent supply of URALS. India remains the largest buyer of Urals, which was downloaded from Russian ports in October. According to journalists, the country has purchased about five million tons of this variety.

As for China, the Russian partner did not buy oil in November. But in October, imports reached 500 thousand tons. In addition, as the agency writes, in the last month of autumn, Russia began to supply oil to Pakistan again. The volume of delivery has already reached 100 thousand tons. Recall that on September 12, the Czech edition of Hospodarske Noviny wrote that the country has increased the purchase of Russian oil, although since 2022 the EU has banned oil imports from Russia.