
"Earlier the Russians were 5 times more": the fighters called the FPV-Duke Range in the Armed Forces and the Russian Federation

The drone cannot completely replace the artillery system. However, these types of weapons can successfully supplement each other, says officer Oles Malyarevich of the 92nd Brigade. The situation with the presence of shock drones-Kamikadze in the defense forces has improved. Oles Malyarevich, Deputy Commander of the Battalion of the Achilles BPAC, said this.

According to him, his brigade is now continuing to be south of Bakhmut in the area of ​​Kigshchayevka, Andreevka, a time ravine in active defense. "The situation is really very tense now. The enemy will storm 24/7 our positions, but there are no tactical success. With FPV-Drons the situation has improved. Earlier, the Russians had five times more drones, now one to three. We are actively supported by Ukrainian Companies, friends, donations.

The state also began to buy more FPV, if last year we received only 300 drones from the state, then this year is much more, " - said Malyarevich. He noted that the drone could not completely replace artillery, but they can successfully complement each other. "The number of drones should not be pursued, we need to buy only those who really fly. There are many businessmen who try to get drones from China and sell, and then all this lies and does not fly, and we have to do it.

We do not get such drones because , we know what drones we need. We need to ask the units of technical characteristics, and to supply them exactly what flies on their shade of the front because each shade is different from each other, " - added Malyarevich. Recall that Russian invaders complain about the loss of a large number of FPV-aules because of their own means of radio electronic struggle in the Avdeevsky direction.