
Up to 700 Missiles X-101: KB "Rada" of the Russian Federation will increase production in 2025 (investigation)

Despite the sanctions of the equipment from Germany and Italy, it enters the Russian plant, which produces X-101 missiles for blows in Ukraine, investigators found out. Some machines come secretly, but there are companies that have direct negotiations with the Russian Federation. The Raduga Design Bureau, which produces Russian winged X-101 missiles, builds new buildings, exceeds plans and plans to increase production by 20% in 2025.

For Ukraine, this means that at least 700 missiles will fly to settlements and energy. Informers of the international intelligence community Informnapalm told about how the Russians managed to preserve the work of the subsequent enterprise of the military-industrial complex. Investigators first reported the number of X-101, which was released in previous years. In particular, they found that in 2023 there were 420 missiles, in 2024 - 575: there is an increase of almost a third (by 27%).

Plans for 2025 - 700 missiles: growth with the previous year by almost a fifth part (by 15%). All this time, the sanctions imposed by the world community are observed in the article. However, it seems that they do not work: the growth of 2025 compared to 2023 - by 40%. To understand the reasons for this situation, investigators turned to the data of the project Fronetelligence Insight (Fi). Fi analysts have studied satellite photos and secret documentation "Raduga".

As a result, they explained that sanctions do not work for two reasons: through Western companies and through Russian programmers. Proof that they do not work - two buildings that appeared on the territory of the enterprise in the city of Dubna, Moscow region (to Ukraine - 500 km). In the satellite photo that confirms it, we see that one building was completed and the other is built, because the ditch and construction equipment are visible.

Analysts described in detail two conditions why Raduga CB is successfully working, despite sanctions. First, the Russian Federation continues to obtain a sufficient and required amount of equipment from abroad: this equipment is installed in new buildings and is involved in the release of new X-101 missiles. In the modernization documents, which have obtained Fi, we see companies from China, Germany, Italy. Some of the equipment is smuggling, indicated in the investigation.

But there are also direct negotiations with the Italian company Fagima Fresatrici SRL: the owners of this company did not pay attention to the ban on selling equipment for weapons production in the Russian Federation. The fact that the equipment has come and started working is evidenced by the reports for 2023, which was published by the FI project. The pages of the Raduga report have the implementation and even overcome of the plan.

Secondly, Russian companies try to get rid of Western software as much as possible. This problem is referred to in the letter from the company "Innoptic", to which Putin Tatyana Tikhonova's daughter is involved. The letter states that this transition will not happen quickly, but the process is going. Special problems - with automatic control systems. Russian programmers and companies of the IT sphere are joined by the text. To organize this process, they will try to create a special association.

InformNapalm summed up that the Russian Federation was able to establish the work of the enterprise from the issue of missiles, although it was imposed on it. They suggested that the Western countries strengthen the impact on the Russian authorities so that this pressure finally became noticeable. It should be noted that in the summer the spokesman of the GUR Ministry of Defense reported that per month of the Russian Federation is able to produce 50 missiles X-101.