
"Elastic Defense" under Bakhmut: the military of the Russian Federation runs away from the Armed Forces, hiding themselves with new tactics - analysts

The Russian command mentioned the successes of the USSR army in confrontation with the Germans in the Battle of Kursk. At that time, the retreat from the occupied positions and the strikes in response was successful, but in confrontation with the high -tech units of the Armed Forces, it turns into an escape. The exits from Andreevka, the Tickyevka and the robot are only some examples of "successful" Russian defense.

Russian troops use elastic defense tactics - retreat from the employed positions and strike in response, so as not to allow the Armed Forces to keep settlements and other positions as bridgeheads for future attacks. About it writes The New York Times with reference to Western military analysts and officials. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are shifted to the second line and do not try to keep the trenches at all costs when the Ukrainian defense forces are pressed.

The Armed Forces are moving, but the invaders are struck at the moment of vulnerability of Ukrainians. Attacks are carried out during the Armed Forces by open terrain or during their approach to recently left Russian positions. "The defending one retreats, causing as heavier losses to the attackers to be able to prepare the attackers for a decisive counterattack," said Ben Barry, a senior researcher at land wars at the International Institute for Strategic Strategic Studies.

Elastic protection is far from a new strategy. The Soviet army used it to win the German troops in 1943 in the Battle of Kursk. "The tactics of elastic protection were used quite successfully. However, good management and trained forces are needed to achieve success, as well as the application of decisive counterattack," Barry explained. This tactics are one of several factors that interfere with the rapid progress of the Armed Forces.

Ukrainian officials and military experts emphasize the difficulties associated with dense minefields, trenches, tank barriers, a large stock of artillery, as well as NATO's unwillingness to provide the Armed Forces with modern fighters and long -range weapons. The tactics chosen by the Russians are effective for keeping or conquering a small area of ​​the front.

In geostrategic terms, it will not solve the course of the war, said the focus a military analyst, a colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Petro Chernik. "A very narrow local action that can only affect the transition of positions from one hand to another. Farbid weapons and western aviation - that's what will solve the course of confrontation with the army of Russia. If the Armed Forces receive all these means, we will win the war in a few months," - He emphasized the expert.

The whole problem is the amount of aviation and high -precision missiles. Several hundred ATCMS missiles will allow the land corridor to the Crimea, Chernik said. "We knock out everything we can up to 300 km in the Berdyansk-Chongar segment. All railway echelons and columns of military equipment with cartridges, shells, food and medicines. expert. The Russian military is studying during the Great War, changing tactics and organizational structure of troops.

Moving the temporarily occupied areas, the invaders leave behind tightly replaced positions and monitor them for shot by artillery and tanks, stated by the military expert, the reserve Major of the Armed Forces Alexei Hetman. "The Armed Forces are trying to mine, and the Russians in response to open fire. There is nothing to calculate to cause defeat. The tactics are quite known, it is definitely not know-how.

And the Armed Forces are conducting network-centered fighting (tactics invented by the pentagon The account of the information and collaboration network-ed. Thanks to the network -centered style of war, the Armed Forces commanders have mechanisms of flexible decision -making on the battlefield, take positions and attack the enemy from the air or earth. "Elastic Defense" is unlikely to affect the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces.

Ukrainian headquarters calculate the situation, military intelligence reports on establishing the defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, says Hetman. The Russians traditionally, during the counter -offensive, run away from the Armed Forces and unsuccessfully try to restore control of the lost territory.

Similar steps are called the displacement of the occupiers from the occupied positions, says the coordinator of the group "Information Resistance", military expert Alexander Kovalenko. "Andreevka, Tick, robot, fighting near Verbov - there is also elastic defense? And where are the fanatical attempts to return the position? zero, " - commented the specialist.

The constant retreat of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is more like a gesture of goodwill and step by step indentation, summed up Kovalenko. The focus previously wrote about the attempts of the Russian Army to let all reserves to restore losses of living power and equipment. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will not be able to go on a large -scale offensive, since they do not have enough armored vehicles, artillery and soldiers.