
Ukraine has released 350 prisoners from prisons to participate in the war -

In total, 4,300 applications for parole were submitted to the courts. The rest are most likely to wait, going to see what will happen to the first wave of volunteers. Ukraine has already begun to release the prisoners in prison for service in the army. This was stated in an interview with NYT by Justice Minister Denis Masus.

According to him, nearly 350 prisoners have already been released in accordance with the adopted law, which allows the convicted person to serve in the army in exchange for the possibility of parole after the end of service. The courts of the country should approve the application of each prisoner for military service, and Masus noted that the judicial system is already considering most of the 4,300 applications submitted currently.

According to him, up to 20,000 such applicants, including people who are in prison, can be recruited for service in the Ukrainian army, he said. According to the publication, this policy repeats the practice widely used by Russia to strengthen its armed forces, but in some respects it is different. The Russian program is open to prisoners convicted of violent crimes, while Ukrainian law does not apply to people convicted of two or more murder, rape or other serious crimes. M.

Masus explained that a person convicted of one murder could be released unless the crime has been committed in burdensome circumstances such as sexual violence. "There is some resemblance, but I cannot say that it is the same as Russia has done," the minister said, adding that the main reasons for the adoption of such a contingent are difficulties with the call of "ordinary" citizens. At the same time, Denis M.

Masus expects that many of the prisoners who are now refusing to be released, will wait and see what will happen to the first wave of those who joined the army. They will want to find out what quality of training recruits, whether new soldiers and former prisoners are satisfied, whether they treat them well, - the minister believes, believing that this will be "the key to the key.

" We will remind, the commander of the unit of shock unmanned aerial vehicles Igor Lutsenko believes that the greatest danger in the mobilization of prisoners is that they can escape with weapons from the country. Focus wrote that on May 22 in the Khmelnytsky City District Court reported that they supported the mobilization of two convicts. Men 2000 and 1981 were planted before the full -scale war for theft.