
Ultimatum of the offended person. How to perceive the "peace formula" from Putin

It would be wrong to evaluate Putin's "peaceful ultimatum" as another raise, says journalist Vadim Denysenko. In fact, in his opinion, we are dealing with the nervous reaction of the offended person, who understands that Putin loses does not raise the bet. He is nervous. Putin's statement about his peace formula is a repetition. All he said was approved even when the Russian Federation amended the Constitution.

Therefore, those who say Putin finally called "his goals" and build versions around it - are deeply mistaken. The goals were and remain different - to become the third pole of the world. What, apparently, Putin will not be able to achieve. Many say that the reason for the statement is the Summit of Peace. In part, probably, in the sense that this statement is very emotional, not rational. It is a statement of an offended person who lost a very important battle of his life.

Putin sincerely believed that Blef could add a collective event and make everyone in negotiations. Two months ago, it seemed that he succeeded. But, from the moment when after long fluctuations, the Americans decided to allocate us 61 billion, everything went not in his scenario. He cannot contrast anything but words. He does not raise the bet as many speak - he is nervous. There is another important aspect: Putin's statement is a special circumcision of all possible ways to retreat.

Putin still dreams that he will become the leader who will sit at the Yalta-2 negotiation table. And the current statement, as well as amendments to the Constitution, is the circumcision of ways to retreat itself and the environment. But the story shows that the environment very often wants to spit on all these trimmed ways to retreat. Putin goes into the stage of war for the war, or seeks to "get into a fight and then understand. " He cannot leave the war. Win too. Therefore, he decided to take time.