
It was never this and here again. On the Russian MCC module there was an accident: what happened (video)

In less than a year, the Russians had a third leakage of coolant in space. On Monday, October 9, a serious accident occurred on the Russian Science module module (one of the segments of the International Space Station (ICS). It became known about the cooling fluid leakage in the reserve cooling system, which is used to maintain normal temperature on board the Russian module.

Roscosmosi "stated that threats to the life of a station's crew and to work there is no investigation of the situation that happened, writes Scienceaalert. In focus. Technology appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe from the world Science! Less than a year in the Russians in space, the third leakage of cooling fluid has occurred, however, the two previous crashes occurred on the Russian spacecraft.

The fact that the coolant from the external cooling system of the module "Science", which is a backup, became a backup system. NASA representatives are known on Monday night, October 9. The Americans asked their astronauts to check what was happening at the ISS, and NASA astronaut Jasmine Mogbeli confirmed that the Russian module was really flowing.

Later, Roscosmos report appeared, which also noted that there was a leak, but given that it is a cooling system, normal temperature is maintained on board the module. The Russian space agency reported that there was no threat to life by an astronaut, and this accident did not affect the work of the station. This information was also officially confirmed by NASA. Americans reported that the main cooling system of the Module "Science" is working in a regular mode.

Such origins of cooling fluid have already occurred on two spacecraft of the Russian Federation. In December last year, as focus wrote, a similar accident occurred on the Russian spacecraft "Union MS-22", which was annexed to the ISS. Then the liquid flew into space for several hours. The cause of damage to the cooling system was called the ingress of tiny meteorite.

Due to this accident, two astronauts from the Russian Federation and one of the United States had to be located at September this year. The fact is that the injured spacecraft "Union MS-22" Russians had to be returned to the ground without a crew, and at the end of March, as focus already wrote, it fell in Kazakhstan. In order for three astronauts to return to Earth, Roscosmos sent another spacecraft to the ISS-"MS-23" in February.

Fortunately for astronauts, he successfully completed the task of their return to the ground. Another leakage of cooling fluid occurred on the Russian freight spacecraft "Progress MS-21" in February this year. The Russians stated that there was a depressurization in the system of cooling of a spacecraft and that month it was launched from the orbit and flooded in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, as focus wrote.

Experts believe that the same type of accidents on Russian spacecraft, and now on the MCS module, is most likely not related to external factors, such as meteorite. For example, space analyst Jonathan McDowell suggests that there are not a coincidence in three different cooling systems, but a systematic sequence. The expert believes that the initial poor production of systems is likely to be the fault.

According to Makdll, the next accident only emphasizes the fact of reducing the reliability of Russian space equipment. In the context of the catastrophe with the landing machine "Luna-25", which in August crashed on the moon, as the focus has already written, the situation with the Russian space program does not look very good, the expert says.