
Became less to be done: why volunteers still play a role in providing the Armed Forces

It is increasingly difficult for volunteers to gather to support Ukraine's defense forces. However, the state still rests on the civil sector in this matter. The focus found out who should meet the needs of the Armed Forces. In the first year of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the main function of providing the front was taken over by the civil sector.

Volunteer organizations, funds, bloggers, ordinary people raised billions of hryvnias to compensate for the lack of literally everything - from helmets and bulletproof vests to generators and cars. At all kinds of social sites of Ukrainians, they were urged to reach the army, and within the country there were awards for those who showed a high result on the "economic front".

However, the longer the Great War lasts, the more difficult it is by volunteer organizations to close the needs of the army at the expense of Donates. According to Blogger Igor Lachenko, the number of donations is reduced, and what to do with it - volunteers do not know. "If everyone was understood and made up, then you need to make the most" beautiful gathering ". Sing, dance, joke, play consoles and cars. Degradation is full already.

To somehow attract attention, you have to do a clown to help the army! I see Kiev's life , I see which cars buy, how the real estate market has taken into space, as if victory. I do not condemn anyone, but it causes a huge dissonance, " - wrote the blogger. According to the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on November 24, the Czechs and Slovaks collected 400 thousand euros a week for the purchase of American Black Hawk helicopter for GUR.

The total cost is about 4. 3 million euros. As soon as it is possible to raise the required amount, the Czech Ministry will deliver Black Hawk to Ukrainian scouts. In the first year of the Great War, volunteer organizations in Ukraine also collected huge amounts for defense in a short period, compensating the state's economic shock from the fighting that covered the country. Thus, from February 2022 to May 2023, charitable foundations transferred UAH 54.

6 billion to the needs of defense - this money was donated by ordinary Ukrainians. In general, during that period, the funds transferred UAH 98. 9 billion to support the army and various humanitarian initiatives. This amount includes donations of citizens, as well as contributions to private companies and banks. According to OPENDABUTT, in 2023 the United24 platform broke the record - in June it was possible to raise UAH 2. 4 billion.

This is the largest amount of donars in one month from February 24, 2022. In total, during the first half of 2023, the accounts of the three largest charitable foundations of Ukraine received UAH 8. 4 billion. For comparison, this is 22% less than the second half of the year 2022. "Donomes were of strategic importance to the country. Volunteers actually rescued and gave [the state] to kick without coming up with the army's strategy.

Volunteers did at times more and relax those who should have been responsible for organizing the process. If this was not the case, we would lose . I do not want to disperse "betrayal", but still no military is sure that tomorrow he will have a cartridge. Because the civil sector has proven to be at a high level, and in all directions, including psychological adaptation, the state has relaxed, " - he says Focus Andriy Kozinchuk, captain of the Armed Forces, military psychologist.

According to the interlocutor of the focus, the Armed Forces does not have any subdivision that is fully provided by the state. Soldiers know that, first of all, if a car or fighters need bulletproof vests, you need to consult a volunteer, not to the General Staff. However, the civil sector is increasingly experiencing psychological fatigue from the need to financially support the army. First of all, this is due to the duration of the war. And also with a certain split within society.

Against the backdrop of fatigue, dissatisfaction with those who do not serve, but simply to make it. This reduces the desire of the latter to continue to help the army. "There are several categories of people who do not dare: those who do it systematically, those who are situationally helping and those who do not do it at all. The number of those who do it is declining now. In any action, including charity, There is a psychological factor.

A person sends money and then sees the result, which produces a dopamine - the hormone of happiness. Now those who have added less and less results, because the military is asked not to expose the photos once again, "Kozinchuk continues. Another important factor is why people are less and less ready to support the army financially is the level of security in the country. According to Kozinchuk, in the deep rear of the echoes of the war to hear less.

On the one hand, it is a high result of effective work of the Armed Forces, so people can continue to live in relative security, work, raise children. On the other hand, they get used to the war. "In many cities all are well, businesses, entertainment centers. It is only on sharply negative events when some terrible "arrival.

" According to Kozinchuk, if the Ukrainians received more information about the real situation at the front, there would be a more understanding why the army needs the support of the civilian sector. "Our propaganda is so pathetic that it is bypassing specifics. And it is necessary to explain how even 50 thousand hryvnias affect the situation on the front. In this direction, we have lost seven drones, these drones have destroyed so many hostile goals, and we need to fill the losses.

This approach would change the situation. In addition, we need to gradually translate the army to the shoulders of the state, "Kozinchuk says. According to the Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Roman Svitan, at the time of any large-scale crisis, when the budget year is painted and the state is difficult to reorient expenditures, the task of the civil sector is to support the country. The most relevant is the first year of fighting.

"In the second year of a full -scale war, the state can allocate the costs of relieving the problem. And then it is gradually possible to depart from the need for donators. The states have more effective mechanisms of support than assistance of funds and common people. Plus is international assistance. The state should deal with the issues of providing the army. And people are their life support. They have already given some of their savings, "says focus Svitan.

We will remind, according to the CEO of KIIS Vladimir Paniotto, more than 80 % of Ukrainians believe that victory is the complete release of all the occupied territories of Ukraine. This understanding was formed under the influence of two factors - the success of the Armed Forces on the front, as well as information policy. Focus wrote earlier that the fraudsters who were raising money for helping seriously ill children were adapting to a new reality and collecting money for the war.