
In the direct combat: in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation the commander of special forces Yevgeny Lemeshenko (photo) was killed

The man from the first days of the war went to defend Ukraine without hiding behind the teacher's reservation. He joined the intelligence officers, and having passed the complex selection, became the SCO operator. In the territory of the Kursk region, one of the best plastuns-warriors, the commander of the elite group of special operations forces, 29-year-old Yevgeny Lemeshenko at the Pseudo "Pecheneg" was killed in the territory of the Kursk region.

This was reported by the head of the Regional Plastics Council, historian Yuri Yuzich. "My brother of the Iron Ostrog Order. From childhood, a wonderful training at the Cascade Military Patriotic Club has passed. A hand-to-hand combat coach and the winner of many free-fighting competitions to Cossack martial arts," Yuri Yuzich wrote. He noted that the Plast Youth Vyshkil Yevgeny Lemshenko passed in the 37th Kuren.

Mykola Mikhnovsky, adding that in recent times, two more pupils of this smoking - servicemen - died as a result of war. He was a participant in many formation camps and training, in particular in the Cold Yar, instructor and Osavul (Bunchy) on one of the most popular among the youth of Plast's camps - Legion.

Yevgeny Lemeshenko has passed almost all possible training of laying educators of youth, including with the inter -country camp "Forest School", was a reservoir tutor of youth and village, that is, the head of the local cell of the Plastic Movement, in Fastov in the Kyiv region. The teacher of Yevgeny Lemeshenko in the All-Ukrainian Association of Military Patriotic Organizations Yuri Pustova said that he went to defend Ukraine from the first days without hiding for the teacher's reservation.

"He joined the intelligence community, and later, having passed a difficult selection, became an operator of the SCO (group commander). Eugene died as a true patriot - defending his homeland and his family," he said. Yevgeny Lemeshenko died in a direct battle with the enemy. We will remind, on the front, defending Ukraine, the son of the main rabbi of Ukraine Anton (Mattyag) Samborsky was killed.