
"Death Star" and "Killer FPV": As volunteers created a unique weapon against Droniv for the Armed Forces

Serhiy Gerasimyuk from Mukachevo and his team collect compact remedies that do not allow drones-Kamikadze to Ukrainian equipment and assault, especially in the southern direction. Antidron Ukraine volunteer initiative produces for military "trenches" (small and cheap) remedies for radio electronic struggle to suppress Russian drones directly on the battlefield.

The founder of the project, Ukrainian volunteer and engineer according to one of the education Sergey Gerasimyuk told how they assisted the Armed Forces in an interview with focus. According to him, the remedies of "Antidron Ukraine" are currently covering the needs of the military in the lowest links - at the level of personal devices, complexes for protection of platoons, mouth, evacuation cars, small armored groups or individual armored vehicles.

These relatively small systems can dramatically change the course of hostilities, a separate operation or performance in a certain direction as a whole. Last July, the Antidron Ukraine project reported that it developed a compact system to counteract hostile drones with the dumping of ammunition and Kamikadze FPV (FIRST Person View). During the tests, the military was installed on the T-72 tank with a power of 50 W, which created "pseudocupol" of radio frequency obstacles in the 900 MHz range.

According to the developers, the remedy remedy well protected the car in combat conditions, suppressing Russian drones - none of them flew to a target even on a tangent, which was at times distinguished by a tank equipped with a tool, from adjacent crews.

Later, summarizing the crew reports, which tested the remedy for three weeks, Serhiy Gerasimyuk noted quite high efficiency of suppression of enemy FPV-punks at a distance from which they cannot defeat or direct a deadly cumulative charge on the Ukrainian "shell". Serhiy Gerasimyuk himself acknowledged that the dome tool of "Antidron Ukraine" does not work perfectly as any technique.

During the war there is a constant arms race, and the Russians from time to time find remedies for Ukrainian technologies, which applies to antitrone complexes. Because on the site of progress is not worth it, in Russia also realized that on the Ukrainian side the remedies of the HRs were installed, and other management channels, goals, algorithm of the event to the defeat. "He does his job for 98%, and allows guys to do his job, not monitor the sky.

One hundred percent protection against FPV does not actually exist, even suppressing all the UAVs over himself, the Reb will not hurt the drone with a suspended kilogram of explosives under the action of gravity. To the position or armor that "protects", because unlike "Mavicians" and other "wedding" drones, which are hung during suppression, FPV is heading in the direction of the last position of management runoff - and here the case or physics, " - commented Sergey Gerasimyuk.

The antitrone system is placed in a strong plastic case, and when placed on the technique, it is additionally hidden in the metal box, so that only the antenna sticks out outside. The complex can be powered by a built-in battery, which provides up to 4-6 hours of battery life. Specifications may be different and depend on the needs of specific units.

One of the samples demonstrated in Facebook has the following indicators: manufacturers try to carefully cover their systems, as Russians are watching carefully and copying technologies. Serhiy Gerasimyuk says that this was the case with antitrone "domes" for tanks: in the Russian Federation they actually stole the idea and even the Case Factor, and within a month presented their complex called "Triton" at the exhibition "Army 2023", which took place in August.

"Experts and community immediately spread those photos to" Laughs. According to the engineer, the Triton system that the Russians are so boasting - just a good wrapper, because they would not be able to create a working product so quickly. For example, Antidron Ukraine experts spent the month only on testing their complex, and in the Russian Federation for the same time allegedly made a full tool for the RB, which can be demonstrated at the exhibition.

"Only layout, without full implementation, for such a term is only a raw, visual 3D layout," the Ukrainian developer emphasized. According to Sergiy Gerasimyuk, the production of pseudocouple complexes from "Antidron Ukraine" is now taking place in Non-stop mode-as soon as 10-20 agents of the Armed Forces are transferred, then the funds received from volunteers are immediately transferred to production, and so in a circle.

In addition to such remedies, engineers also collect C-VOG Plus antironous rifles, which the Ukrainian military called "death stars" for their high efficiency on the battlefield. Such a gun suppresses UAVs in four ranges, weighs only 3. 65 kg and can work up to 100 minutes autonomously thanks to a built -in battery.

Currently, the initiative has already sent 265 C -V Plus to the front, the cost of the device itself is about 90 thousand UAH, another 11 thousand UAH is worth the battery, which the soldier should wear as a result. It is an external battery weighing 1. 7 kg, which continues the operation of the device for more than 2 hours, if additional autonomy is required in addition to the internal battery, a total of about 4 hours.

"We have brought it to the ideal in technical terms, and it moves the guns twice as powerful, both in efficiency and in a number of technical indicators, such as the ratio of efficiency, range of opposition, capacity to the channel and others. So always - when you do - when you do The product is for the needs of the "target audience" with the characteristics that the guys are waiting for the antitrone, " - says Sergey Gerasimyuk.

Serhiy Gerasimyuk, together with the team, developed FPVKIR-an even more compact device against Russian percussion UAVs, which can be easily kept with one hand, carry with you thanks to a weight of 1. 35 kg and turn on for 1-2 minutes. The Ukrainian military is already actively using them during the assault, protecting against FPV attacks, especially in the southern direction, where fields, steppes, and hiding from enemy shock machinery simply is not possible.