
The war should become significantly difficult for Russia - the presidential speech at the opening of the 20th annual meeting of the Yalta European Strategy

Glory to Ukraine! Dear participants of this year's meeting of the Yalta European Strategy! Dear friends of Ukraine! Thank you for the invitation. I am glad to welcome you to all in Ukraine now - and many are not the first time. And it is extremely important during such a war in Ukraine, to be along with our defenders, defenders of Ukraine, with all our people - people who are forced to go through the hardest thing that can only be - through a full -scale war.

I am grateful to all of you that you are with Ukraine. But it is also important for all of us to understand what it means to be with Ukraine. It's not just about presence. Not only about emotional connection with our country, with Ukrainians, with our battle for our independence. Yesterday, the Russian army struck one of the numerous blows in Ukraine. It was an artillery blow. In the village of Virolyubivka in Donetsk region. The Russians saw where they were beaten.

The trucks of the International Committee of the Red Cross were burned. Two people were injured in this blow. Unfortunately, three were killed. My condolences. These were employees of the humanitarian mission, their lives were taken by Russian artillery. And it is unfortunate, it is very unfortunate to see that the Red Cross in its official communication was afraid to say even that it was a Russian blow. This is our life. But this is their face . . .

But it's not just true - it's a Russian blow, Russian terror. Yesterday, the Russian army struck no less eloquent blow. The Russian rocket struck a civilian ship in the Black Sea. It seems to me that it was already near Romanian waters. It was a backer with a load of wheat. The port of destination is in Egypt. And it was just lucky that none of the crew was killed by that rocket. And there was no reaction from Egypt, although it is their food safety.

But this is how Russia treats Egypt, and food security, and free navigation - is treated as a typical terrorist. While there are double standards in the field of morality, Putin may look for something other than peace. Now is the third year of this full -scale war.

And after so many murders, after so many destruction in Ukraine, after so many Russian crimes of war, after so many terrorist strikes, Putin can still afford to destroy life in Ukraine as he pleases, can buy and produce rockets, bombs and artillery, can even afford. declare the world ultimatum. But he expects - he expects that the world will yield to him, his madness. The third year of the war, and Putin still believes that he should concede to him.

Why? These days were very important meetings with our partners, there were respectful guests in Ukraine. In particular, the United States and the United Kingdom. Of course, we cannot fully reveal the content of closed negotiations between our partners and us. But I want to share my feeling. Now in Ukraine, as in many other countries, the school year has begun. The children went to school.

In Ukraine, we very much want children as many children to study online, but together with other children in the usual atmosphere, a school atmosphere, when not only knowledge but also social skills, communication skills and life are acquired. We need aircraft, especially Petriots, which are enough in the world and which we have long been expecting from our partners.

And when you talk in meetings, important, closed - different, with partners: we need aircraft, it is difficult, very difficult to hear every time: "We are working on it. " Russian rockets and Shakhaned Iran's Iran at this time, unfortunately, also work, but work in our sky and against our people. And Putin does not need any permits, no agrees for roundabouts.

You all heard, many have seen, and some have even made sure that it is difficult at the front right now, how difficult it is everywhere, especially in Donetsk region, near Pokrovsk. There are our heroic warriors - I would like us to support them, apparently, thank them for their courage - these are really strong people, very strong people. We all understand that they need reinforcement. And that means - the units complete and ready for battle.

It is enough not only to lose positions, but also to restore them. We have been talking to our partners for months about the acquisition of our crews. I am grateful to all the leaders, all the states who have taken responsible obligations and really fulfill them in time. But, to be honest, we are still far from the full execution of what we have agreed for a long time. And when you resemble this in negotiations, it is very difficult to hear again: "We do it, we work.

" As it sounds, Putin burns our cities and villages - that's what he does. And he does not need any agreement. Putin's delay in us and with strong decisions for Ukraine interprets as permission for himself to do whatever he does, anything. And on the range of farming for Ukraine.

Everyone who just sees on the map, where Russia daily strikes, where Russia prepares forces, where Russia holds reserves where it has military objects and which uses logistics - anyone who sees it is obviously understands what Ukraine is for a longitudinal. We spoke in detail, by the way, with Anthony Blinken and David Lammi, the US Secretary of State and the British Secretary of Foreign Affairs, which were recently in Kiev.

I hope that after our conversation, there can be no unfinished question of why Ukraine needs sufficient farming. I want to emphasize again: enough. Not enough to just say that there is a solution. Farbarities sufficient to change the course of war and make Russia look for peace. And we very much look forward to our partners, we look forward to the result from our partners. At least we are working on it.

Dear ladies and gentlemen! When we think how to finish the war, we have to be clearly aware that we need it with you, not Putin. He doesn't want to finish anything. He is comfortable sending people to death, managing his people through TV and enjoying his life in his bubble. Unfortunately, his war is not affected by the war. So far. So far. But Putin and his accomplices should feel all these problems that the war brings. This means that the war should become significantly difficult for Russia.

Only in this way, it is possible to force Russia that the war will have to be completed. And to finish fairly - on the basis of international law. This requires strong solutions in the world. And each of you knows. When we hear that new missiles from Iran have arrived in Russia, it is the same evil that the Allies had already confused in the sky of the Middle East. Now, the brand of rockets may be different, but not the terrorist motif of Iran underlying the distribution and use of these weapons.

If the Allies knock down rockets and drones in the sky of the Middle East, then why is there no similar decision to jointly kill Russian missiles and Shahhads in the sky of Ukraine? And this is not done even when rockets and drones go literally to the territory of our neighbors. And when we raise this question with our partners, by the way, everyone is trying to speak it simply, to be honest. And they are even afraid to say "We are working on it. " Even these words are afraid. And this is true.

So far, only Belarus was distinguished by the beating of Russian "shamed". I did not think that in this format it would be . . . It really, I think, just humiliating for a strong democratic world. Both we and our partners know exactly all the points in which Russia collects strength for blows. All. They know where the Russian air defense is located. If someone does not know from partners, we can share this information.

And to what positions are the launchers of Russian missiles and what are the logistics routes critical to the Russian occupation contingent. All this can be destroyed in a matter of months. The war lasts 10 years, full -scale - almost three. That is, what is not enough to complete it? Strength? Decisions? Is the desire? Why can Putin keep his own weapon production? He receives critical components.

We see in Russian rockets that beat our cities and villages daily, components from all over the world: America, Europe, Taiwan and more. There are still chains of such supply to Russia. And it turns out that Putin is cheaper to continue terror than to defend ourselves from this terror. The logistics of weapons in Russia and the platforms for Russian blows, unfortunately, is still unattainable for our defenders, for our protective blows. We have effective drones.

But you will not do the drones what rockets have to do. And even Putin's artillery can take more than enough and relatively cheap in North Korea, when every defense package is an achievement for Ukraine. Why do I say a lot now, sorry, a lot about weapons details? In fact, these are details about Russia's compulsion to peace. Putin does not understand anything else. Only what strengthens Ukraine's position. Only what aggravates the situation for Russia.

Only the fact that partners really take the necessary steps, not from meeting to the meeting, promise to work on it, to consider what steps are needed, as if it were still unclear to someone. Of course, we live in the war, and in such circumstances do not plan a constant schedule. But this month our meeting with President Biden is scheduled. I will give him a plan of victory. The system of interconnected decisions that will make Ukraine sufficient to put this war on peace.

The invading wars as Russia's war against Ukraine can end in several ways: either the occupier army is displaced by force or diplomacy, which guarantees the preservation of the country's real independence and its purification from occupation. In both the first and second cases, Ukraine needs strong positions. The United States can help with this. If we want victory the same with our key partner.

The Victory Pack that I will represent the President of the United States can pave the way to a reliable peace - to fully implement the formula of peace. Unfortunately, there are still illusions in the world that you can talk to Moscow or outline some new red lines, which will eventually become softer and reconciliation.

If without illusions, if we all want to hear the words "Finally there is peace, just peace in Ukraine", then we have to hear now that Ukraine has become strong enough - it is enough to win. And it will be a guarantee of peace. And it depends not only on us. In many ways - from the world, from you, friends. I thank all the Ukrainians for your courage! I thank every partner who really does everything to Ukraine, that our state will win.