
Ivan Dorn called the amount of fee for which the Russians will speak to the Russians - Roszmi

Since the beginning of a full -scale war in Ukraine, Ivan Dorn has lived in France with his family. Since then, the artist has not been home. 35-year-old Ukrainian singer Ivan Dorn, who has an ambiguous position on war in Ukraine, but calls herself a Ukrainian, ready to give a concert to the Russians. Such information was published by the Russian edition of Shot. In particular, according to them, the artist provides a rider to a corporate event to all those who want. It is prescribed in English.

According to the published document, Ivan Dorn is ready to speak to Russian customers for a fee of 4 million rubles (approximately 1 million 920 thousand hryvnias). The artist also prescribes certain conditions for corporate events. One of them is that it is desirable that the audience who will be present at the concert adhere to neutral views on the issue of war in Ukraine, which is called "special operation" in Russia.

However, it is also stated that if there are some deviations on political views and positions on war, everything can be discussed with the artist individually. It is also stated in the raider that there should be no risk of pro -Russian provocations. It is not possible to sing on the territory of the Russian Federation, so corporate parties for Russian customers are ready to hold in neighboring countries. For example, he is ready to come to Kazakhstan.

In addition, the rider states that the singer's dressing room should have two packs of chips, Cuban cigar Cohiba, two packs of cigarettes, five pairs of white socks, 1 liter Beer. The singer's hotel should also be PS4. Ivan Dorn will sing in Russian for 40-45 minutes. At the same time, social networks The singer leads in Ukrainian. We will remind, earlier we wrote that Ivan Dorn explained why he was afraid to return to Ukraine.