
During the war: KSCA will spend almost a billion hryvnias on the repair of the ring road - the media

This amount is eight times higher than the financing that the Kiev authorities have allocated for the repair of the same segments of the road over the previous four years. The Kiev authorities allocated in 2023 to repair the capital of the capital road on the section from Bogatyrskaya Street to Obolonsky Avenue 872 million hryvnias. This amount is eight times higher than the construction of construction on the same segments in the previous four years. About it reports UNIAN.

According to the KSCA Finance Department, the actual financing of works in these areas in the previous four years was UAH 103. 9 million. At the same time, in just four previous years, the local budget of the capital has allocated just over UAH 932 million to the construction of a large annular road. Of these, 828 million were aimed at repairing the site from Marshal Rokossovsky to Bogatyrskaya Street with the construction of a transport interchange.

In 2023, the financing of works on the same segment was estimated at UAH 52 million. We will remind, earlier in the media repeatedly wrote about scandalous cases of irrational waste of enormous budget funds by the Kiev authorities. Thus, on June 14, the Dniprovsk District State Administration (RDA) purchased 300 leather drums in Kiev.

Officials spent more than 890 thousand hryvnias on musical instruments, indicating in the tender on the Prozorro platform that drums are needed for "psychological unloading of children during air anxiety". Later it became known that the Dniprovsky District State Administration in Kyiv purchased designers worth more than 900 thousand hryvnias, allegedly for playing and training children in shelters during air alarm.