
Russia plays against China, draining its interests and secrets - political scientist (video)

Russia, if possible, faces the forehead of the West and China, creates chaos and tries to prevent China, says political scientist Mykola Davidyuk. The cooperation of any countries with Russia always ends with Russian roulette. It begins brightly and promising, and ends with sadness and "accidental" disappearance of people. Political scientist Mykola Davidyuk said this. According to him, in China, in mysterious circumstances, the disappearance of high -ranking officials.

On December 6, it became known in Beijing the exchanger of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, which was disappeared after his release in July 2023. "These games that have begun, they are very important in China to understand that Russia does not play for them. Trying to prevent China to strengthen, "the political scientist says. He added that Russia is constantly trying to join the foreheads of China and the West, it creates chaos and has no friends.

In Russia, unlike China, it was not possible to build a socialist and communist state, instead, it was possible to build a Luzer state. At the same time, China ranks second in the world in the economy. Now Beijing, according to the political scientist, realized that it was possible to recruit Chinese ministers and blackmail officials with a mistress who has remained since his studies at the institute. "They have not been faced with that. It is such a grinding in the foreign policy arena.

Well, China learns and wants to be in the first place - we need to get used to such things, there will To be understanding for others how the system and machine work, "Davidyuk said. We will remind, on December 6 it became known that the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of China is the price of Gan, who was removed from office in July 2023, died at the military hospital of Beijing, where Chinese leaders were treated. Death came as a result of torture or suicide.