
"Serious Chaos": The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have improved tactics and moving in the Donbass - The Washington Post

Some of the most intense battles are around the Toretsk. According to the Armed Forces fighters, the invaders seem to be using the same strategy that was applied to Avdiivka. There, the Russians surrounded Ukrainians on three sides, while depleting them with continuous discharge of glider bombs from above. Russian troops are moving in the Donbass despite the heat, trying to expand Moscow's territorial achievements and capture the city of Pokrovsk, a key transit knot.

About it writes The Washington Post. The publication notes that Ukraine continues to suffer from the lack of soldiers, and election shocks in the United States have led to assumptions that Kiev may soon be forced to negotiate the surrender of territories. American weapons and money helped the Armed Forces to suspend the invasion of Russian troops in the northeast of Kharkiv region in May.

This prevented a serious breakthrough and destroyed Moscow's hope of surrounding the second largest city of Ukraine, but the Russian command switched its attention to the Donetsk region, which may be the main territorial goal of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Re -invasion of the invaders into Kharkiv region, although it brought limited achievements, but the Ukrainian resources have distracted, journalists write.

30-year-old Alexander, the commander of the battalion of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, who is fighting under the reeds, says that the Ukrainian forces are fighting, but Putin's prize is increasingly seeming within the reach of the Russian Federation. "It is a smart strategy: you try to focus your enemy in one direction and then distract him in the other. Their first goal is to destroy us.

The second is to get up to get more levers for peace talk delight of Donetsk region, "Alexander said with the call sign" Genius ". Putin's troops are now coming in an arc of three key points in the Donetsk region: in other places, intense battles continue, including in Kupyansk in the northeast and in some sections of the Southern Front.

However, the offensive on the Donetsk region is a noticeable change in the tactics of the Russian command, which seems to make conclusions from past mistakes and now seek stable success for the Kremlin. Under the threat of Konstantinovka, which is located on the strategic line.

The researcher of the Institute of War Study (ISW) Karolin Girrd said, if earlier the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation simply thrown people on long -term, long -lasting fighting, now Russian operational commanders are learning to carry out simultaneous and mutual reinforcing offensive actions and constantly press on Ukrainian resources.

Ukrainian commanders and soldiers interviewed by The Washington Post journalists talk about exhaustion and reduction of resources, including acute shortage of troops. The mobilization law has not yet provided an extremely necessary reinforcement, as new conscripts are being prepared, and some conscripts have fled from the country or hide at home to avoid conscription.

A 56-year-old sergeant with a call sign "Bart" described the situation as a "critical" and said that the forefront of "serious chaos". In this, he blames the command that makes mistakes when making decisions. Some of the most intense battles of this summer are now going on around the industrial town of Toretsk, where Russia has achieved considerable tactical success.

According to the Armed Forces fighters, the invaders near Toretsk seem to be using the same strategy that was applied to Avdiivka in February. There, the Russians surrounded Ukrainians on three sides, while depleting them with continuous discharge of glider bombs from above. Some Russian troops also move west and north through Kurakhovo. If they seize Toretsk, Pokrovsk and Konstantinovka, the whole Donetsk region will be at risk.

Several Ukrainian commanders called one of the main problems in the battlefield accelerating the use of drones by Russians. "What has changed extremely is their tactics for using drones and the use of radio electronic struggle. Earlier we had an advantage and were more effective, but now it is not so," said Mikhail, commander of a mortar battery that wages fights in Krasnogorivka, on a call sign " Brain.

" The Ukrainian military also noted the increase in the use of aviation bombs, especially the planner bombs of the Soviet era, around the time ravine and New York, which, according to them, causes significant harm and affects the moral spirit. 41-year-old Eugene, UAV operator who works in New York, says that although the Russian command still rests on the tactics of "meat storms", they also use a new tactic of "burned land" to destroy whole cities.

The 34-year-old Pasha, a UAV platoon commander, who is composition of the 105th brigade, described the situation in Nye York as "very difficult". "They use New York to surround the Toretsk. I think they now have a real chance to surround it, the issue only in resources and time," he said. According to him, the cassette bombs are so powerful that whole infantry units can fail through contusion. Garden with ISW believes that Moscow is unlikely to succeed, despite its recent victories.

"Russia has not demonstrated that it could effectively carry out mechanized offenses and capture large territories, so it is unlikely to be able to capture all Donbas with force," she said. However, she said, a slow, grueling conflict is more beneficial to the Kremlin, as it undermines the Ukrainian morale and calls into question the future support of the event.