
The Russians lost two mouths: the Armed Forces advanced in the Tavriya direction -

According to the commander of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Alexander Tarnavsky, the Russians lost not only living power, but also a large number of equipment-almost 50 units. In the Tavriysk direction, Ukraine's defense forces achieve success and significant progress due to successful assault operations. On Monday, July 19, Alexander Tarnavsky, commander of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops reported.

According to him, units of rocket troops and artillery completed 1298 fire tasks during the day. Over the past 24 hours, significant losses of the enemy have been inflicted, including more than two mouths of enemy soldiers, dead and wounded.

"47 units of enemy military equipment were also destroyed and damaged, including 3 tanks, 9 BMPs, 2 UAVs" Orlan-10 ", 2 UAV Zala, UAV SUPERCAM, 4 self-propelled artillery installations 2C3" Acacia ", BM-21" Grad ", BM-21 2 howitzers 2A65 "MSTA-B", 2 howitzers 2C19 "MSTU-C", anti-aircraft missile complex "S-300", anti-aircraft missile complex "Buk", ENB "Field-21",-said in the message of the commander. Tarnavsky also added that Ukrainian defenders destroyed 6 warehouses with enemy ammunition.

Recall Deepstate analysts in the report of June 19, indicated that the Armed Forces advance It became known that in the Zaporizhzhya direction the deputy commander of the battalion "Storm. Osetia" Ivanhoe Takhiv. He, together with his subordinates, who were about 300 people, got into the environment in the settlement of five -faced. On June 17, Ukrainian defenders showed Ukrainian defenders on June 17 As the village of Novodarivka of Zaporizhzhya region was released.