
Putin has reached the goal: the Russians went to the military enlistment offices after the Crocus terrorist attack, - isw

According to experts, the Russian military enlistment offices recorded a significant increase in the number of persons who applied for military service under a contract all over Russia after the City Hall City Hall terrorist attack. Russian President Vladimir Putin has achieved the goal that analysts have argued, could pursue Russian special services, arranging a terrorist attack in the City Hall City Hall building. This is stated in the report of the American Institute for War Study (ISW).

After a terrorist attack in the Moscow region, where more than 140 people were killed, critically high turnout of citizens in military enlistment offices was recorded in the Russian Federation. "The Ministry of Defense of Russia stated on April 3 that Russian military enlistment offices recorded a significant increase in the number of persons who applied for military service under a contract throughout Russia," - emphasized there.

The Russian Federation reported that in the last 10 days about 16 thousand Russians have expressed a desire to conclude a contract for military service. "Most applicants indicated that their main motive for signing a military contract was the" revenge "for the victims of the attack on" crocus "," the analysts said.

ISW claims that if the report of the Ministry of Defense of Russia about the number of people who want to sign a contract for military service is true, then the Kremlin's information operation, based on events in "Crocus", could be successful. "The fear and instability that the attack of Islamic state (ID) in Russian society (ID) may have pushed some Russian citizens to enroll in military service," analysts suggest.

At the same time, experts point out that the terrorist attack in the Moscow region was supported by a significant information campaign by the Russian Federation. Moscow tried to create the impression that more and more Russians join the army of the Russian Federation with the desire to take revenge on the "crocus". The main purpose of such a "representation" was to convince the Russians, using the principle of "herd feeling", to join the service.