Something strange kills large white sharks in the North Atlantic: attacks the brain of predators
Researchers have studied the bodies of dead sharks, but found no signs of starvation or injuries that could cause death. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intricate news from the world of science! Fortunately, a new study was still revealed by the culprit: meningoencephalitis - inflammation of the brain tissue and surrounding shells, which can eventually affect cognitive functions.
In sharks, such inflammation can lead to inability to eat or swim normally, which could cause the predators to be thrown ashore. According to the chief researcher and veterinarian at Ocearch Harley Newton, the main problem is that meningoencephalitis is only a symptom, not a disease at all. In simple words, scientists still do not know what the inflammation causes. Scientists also point out that science is still very little aware of what natural diseases affect wild sharks and slopes.
Therefore, although the presence of several sharks of the same size/age/type thrown ashore with signs of inflammation of the brain in clusters for several years, is difficult, it is difficult to say how serious it should be. In simple words, scientists simply do not see the picture completely. It should be noted that Newton was the one who first discovered meningoencephalitis in a large white shark, examining the samples of brain tissue of shark thrown out in New York in 2022.
Other samples taken from shark mascara found so far from each other as Prince Edward, Canada, and South Carolina, the United States, showed the same mysterious inflammation, but the reason is unknown. According to the scientist to save David Schiffman sharks, it is bad news for a species that is already in danger. Equally disturbing is that an unknown disease affects a population that has just begun to recover from the effects of excessive hunting and fishing in the area.
Studies show that about a third of all known species of sharks and related species, such as slopes, pike and chimeras, are endangered today. And the United States, at least at this time, is one of the bright spots in saving sharks. It is for this reason that the large white sharks of the North Atlantic are a kind of mystery, at least compared to other populations of this species. They are relatively not so well studied, because they only recently returned to the area.