
"Formal signing with Putin": The diplomat named the types of negotiations with the Russian Federation during the war

According to the former Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States Valery Chalya, a peace agreement with the Kremlin will mean that a fair punishment for criminals and reparations can be forgotten. This is a negative scenario for Kiev. Currently, peace talks with the Russian Federation are not underway and the position of the Ukrainian authorities is that it is virtually impossible until the invaders withdraw their troops from the country.

At the same time, there are three types of dialogue with the enemy at different stages of the war, as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the United States (2015-2019), diplomat Valery Chaly on the air "Espresso. TV" on November 9. According to him, the first type of negotiation concerns the exchange of prisoners, but recently they have become less common due to a complex dialogue with the Russian side. The second type of negotiation concerns the results of the war.

When both parties can start agreeing to terminate the fighting, but the diplomat hopes that Kyiv will not take such a step, as it will have global consequences. "If they are only, then forget the reparations, compensation from Russia, forget about the Hague, at least until the Russians themselves donate their own. This scenario is very bad for Ukraine - direct negotiations with Russia," Valery Chaly said.

Separately, the diplomat noted that the Armed Forces can achieve significant success on the battlefield next year, and otherwise the delaying of the war can return the country during the ATO - actual "freezing". Until the regime in Russia is changing, they will continue to attack peace cities. Accordingly, the war will not end until a dramatic change in the situation. Only then can a third type of negotiation begin.

"Necessarily about Russian payments, surrender, which will be either during the collapse of the Russian Federation, which I do not know whether it will happen in the following periods, although they say it is possible; or during the change of power, when there is a new regime. Do not God forbid We are all formal signing with Putin next year. Therefore, I think our power understands it, " - summed up Valery Chaly.