
Argenem Creek Partners is noticed in connections with Russian business - media

The Ukrainian and foreign media explored the business model and current cases of the famous American company Argenim Creek Partners (ASR). Journalists say that ACP is funded by companies and countries that are in financial difficulties and invest in projects with high profits, the business capital reports. According to journalists, the company is often accused of unscrupulous actions against their counterparties around the world.

In particular, Argentem Creek Partners counterparties have stated that in addition to an aggressive black media campaign against opponents, ASR may involve local officials and political figures to achieve its results. ACP is also accused of acting about the same formula: an unplanned demand for debt collection in a crisis situation - an aggressive media campaign against the debtor - a lawsuit - the transfer of assets of the debtor to a third party, reports the publication.

The whole country - Kazakhstan, a huge Indonesian producer of Berau Coal Energy coal, Brazilian sugar producer GVO and others, says journalists of the business capital, said against the ACR around the world. Argenem Creek Partners has been working with Ukrainian companies for over 10 years, as the domestic high-rise market is in line with the Fund's business model. Since 2013, the lender has demanded to repay the debt from the metallurgical company Interpipe, which belongs to Viktor Pinchuk.

Since 2014, the ASR demanded to repay the debt from the Ukrainian metallurgical giant "Metinvest" Rinat Akhmetov, reports DS. Since the end of 2022, the Investment Fund has a corporate conflict with the Ukrainian Agrarian Holding Gnt Group. ASR accuses agrarians of violation of credit agreement, but instead Ukrainian businessmen claim the desire of the Fund to raider the Odessa grain terminal.

After the start of a full -scale invasion of the Ukrainian Agrarian Holding a day, it was reported that early repayment of the loan was reported, after which an aggressive media campaign and a lawsuit began. According to John Patton's Regional Partner Argenem Creek Partners, the Foundation received support from the Ukrainian authorities and representatives of the prosecutor's office in the question of the Odessa grain terminal, journalists say. What a foreign businessman meant remains a question.

In April 2024, ASR was accused of attempting to raider the assets of Gnt Group. To do this, the media reports, the company attracted the Georgian-Moldovan oligarch with the Russian passport Jasha, who, according to journalists, has close ties with Russian and Georgian criminal groups, reports the newspaper. Argenem Creek Partners, despite the great help of the American people in Ukraine in the war with the Russian Federation, works closely with Russian business.

Since 2022, the company has a joint project with ACG Mining LIMITED (the company for consulting and investment in the mining) is an ACG ACG ACCG Company Limited. The ACG Mining Limited is managed by Artem Volyn, the former toplesser of the Russian Aluminum Giant "Rusal", owned by Oleg Deripaska (under US sanctions since 2018 through Russian invasion of Ukraine), reports of the business capital.

In 2024, Argentem Creek Partners provided a $ 20 million venture loan Filipino Fintech Company Salmon, whose co-founders are Russian businessmen Pavel Fedorov and Georgy Chesakov. The first journalists call the "right hand" of the odious Russian topleman Igor Sechin, who worked as a vice -resident of the Mining Giant "Norilsky Nickel" and Vice President "Rosneft", an oil company, which is 70% of Russia.