
Ampted fingers: Roszmi launched a fake about the torture of the occupier in captivity

The propagandists published from social networks the history of the Russian invader, who was allegedly cut off their fingers in Ukraine, but at the same time none of them even checked the facts and spoke with the relatives of the "victim". Russian propagandists sang the story of Russian military Alexei Motuz, who allegedly cut off their fingers in the Ukrainian captivity.

However, Roszmi illustrated their materials with a photo of a Ukrainian, who in 2022 while working with a circular pollen accidentally cut off all five fingers, writes Media Astra. The story concerned the resident of Tomsk 64-year-old Tatiana Motuz and her 44-year-old son Alexei, who voluntarily participated in the invasion of Ukraine. On the night of January 8 to January 9, 2024, his cohabitants Anastasia wrote unknown from the Ukrainian number on Telegram.

The woman demanded to send intimate photos, in case of refusal promised to kill a civilian man. And then sent a photo of the amputated limb, stating that it belongs to Alexei Motus, who was captured. According to Astra, Russian propaganda media and publication quickly "picked up" this story and spread. However, no media representative communicated with his family in person. And Astra journalists themselves were embarrassed in this story by several points.

"The Telegram has a" hide number "feature, why they did not use it, and showed the phone number is unknown," the media reported. And on February 11, the media journalists learned that at least one photo of the motza sent to relatives was not reliable. Thus, on January 21, 2022, the Ukrainian edition of Depo. ua published a note with the title: "Transcarpathian doctors sewed cut off fingers (photo 18+)".

The note is posted by a photo of a young man without fingers, which fully coincides with a photo that was sent to relatives of the rope. The material was dedicated to the fact that in the Transcarpathian regional hospital a 16-year-old boy was transplanted by his fingers after he accidentally amputated his limb with a circular saw. We will remind, a few days earlier in the NSDC reported that the Russian Federation spreads fakes about the execution for refusing to assault.

Fact checkers noticed clear signs that prove the fake video with alleged "war crime". Similar videos are an information and psychological operation of the Russian Federation against the Armed Forces and mobilization. In addition, in early December 2023, the Russians launched a fake about "death" on the front of a 17-year-old teenager.