
150 applications per day: GUR told how many Russians want to be captured after history with Mi-8

After the successful special operation of "tit", during which the Russian pilot Maxim Kuzminov transferred to Ukraine the Mi-8 helicopter in exchange for $ 500 thousand, the number of Russians who wanted to surrender has increased sharply. GUR told focus how many applications from the soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, ready to make weapons. "As of September 10, 2023 in general [September 18, 2022, when the state project" I want to live "was launched-approx.

] Received almost 25 thousand appeals. On average, operators process 70-100 applications daily. After a briefing with the Mi- Pilot pilot 8 Spring was up to 150 applications daily, sometimes there were days when operators were processing 200 applications. This is directly related to the Operation "Sinits The Russians who want to be captured for the first time.

The successes of Ukraine on the front or other good news on our part, motivates to think about their future, how to save life, " - said Yusov. According to a representative of GUR, camps for prisoners of war in Ukraine meet the requirements of international humanitarian law and Geneva Convention, and their arrangement is part of international assistance. "We fulfill all obligations in terms of providing the necessary conditions [for prisoners of war].

At the same time, prisoners of war work and partially work out the resource spent on them, in accordance with international rules and norms, "Yusov adds. Prisoners of war, which Russia refuses to exchange, remain in Ukraine until the end of hostilities. did not respond. These people continue to be in camps for prisoners of war, "Yusov says. In order to get a reward, just as pilot Maxim Kuzminov, only to be captured, it is necessary to take with them equipment.

Recall that in April 2022 the Verkhovna Rada passed the law About rewards for use and transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine the equipment of Russian invaders.

For the voluntarily transferred Armed Forces, combat equipment belongs to the following amounts: more, if the equipment is handed over by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, they are guaranteed the secret of the fact of transmission, safe stay in Ukraine, assistance in receiving new documents and departure to the third country.

According to the representative of the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, Petro Yatsenko, Russia does not show a great desire to return its servicemen. But most exchanges in a few months. There have been 48 exchanges today. Since March 11, 2022, we exchanged 2598 people. Ukraine is interested in exchange. We are not interested in the Russians here. Therefore, we refer to different proposals to the Russian side with the terms of exchange.

The negotiation process is constantly being conducted, even when we talk to you, "says Focus Yatsenko. According to him, on average, about 10 thousand UAH is allocated for one month per month. This amount includes food, clothing, medical care and communication with relatives. Also have the opportunity to work. They perform simple tasks permitted by the third Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners. Yatsenko adds that prisoners have personal accounts that relatives can transfer money.

These funds spend at their own discretion in the camp store, where can be purchased or essential items. "There are several types of work [provided for prisoners of war]. The simplest is bonding printing products. It is easy to do this physically, only neatness is needed. Also, the captives of plastic weave garden furniture, prepare and clean in the camp, or work in various shops: woodworking, cooking metal frames for garden furniture. The salary is small.

According to the Third Geneva Convention, it is a quarter of the Swiss franc - in the area of ​​10 UAH per day. About 300 hryvnias runs a month, "Yatsenko adds. The central camp of prisoners of war is located in the west of Ukraine. It is the majority of Russians who want to surrender. six months. The Russian helicopter Mi-8 with three crew members landed in the Kharkiv region. In addition to pilot Maxim Kuzminov, who handed over to Ukraine, there were two more crew members on board.

They died during an attempt to escape when they realized that they landed in Ukraine. Maxim Kuzminov's cooperation with Ukrainian special services will receive $ 500,000 and new documents. His family was invisibly evacuated from the Russian Federation before the start of special operation. Focus wrote earlier that GUR showed a documentary about the work of Ukrainian intelligence, in particular about Sinitsa special operation.