
The coal was in a tactical environment, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were dominated by nine times-the combos of the 72nd brigade

According to Alexander Okhrimenko, it was impossible to keep the city because of the advantage of Russians in armored vehicles, artillery, anti -tank means and the number of personnel. The Ukrainian military got into a tactical environment when leaving the coal, when the number of enemy forces exceeded them nine times. The new commander of the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade named after the Black Zaporozhians Oleksandr Okhrimenko spoke about it in an interview with Glavkom.

According to him, after September 27, the situation in the city became very tense, especially on the flanks, which made the further defense of the collet impossible. "To evacuate, it was extremely difficult to replenish ammunition. He added that the reserves that could come to the rescue were under the firing pressure of the enemy, including large caliber artillery.

Okhrimenko also noted that at the end of September, the carbon lost its strategic importance due to changes in the southern direction of Donbass. Several Russian units were opposed to the Ukrainian forces, including 36 and 39th Motorized Rifle Brigades, 57th Brigade and the 91st Rifle Regiment. The commander stressed that the enemy had a significant advantage in the equipment, including tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery, as well as personnel.

"If you generally evaluate combat potentials, the ratio was almost 1: 9 in favor of the enemy. Any theoretical calculations indicate that with a ratio of forces and means 1: 3, the enemy will have an advantage. Here, under the coal, was 1: 9. OB ”You can understand the chances of maintaining this settlement and defense strips, which is in the area of ​​responsibility of the brigade,” Okhrimenko added. Recall, on October 1, DeepState analysts reported the occupation of the coal.