
"Nobody bought them": "Kyivpastrans" responded to "betrayal" about glass stops during the war

According to Prozzoro, the auction for the purchase of stops has already been conducted. Its cost, winner, as well as the period of installation of objects in Kiev. The purchase contract 30 stops in Kiev is insurance in case of the need to replace such structures. The spokesman of KP "Kyivpastrans" Oleg Hryshchak said this, reports "Kiev 24". According to the spokesman, "no one bought the stop - such a contract is concluded annually, and at the end of the year the document is canceled.

" "Regarding this purchase, this contract is a so -called insurance contract that is concluded annually by KP" Kyivpastrans "for stops if necessary. If during the year we need to update the stop as a result To restore, to install a new one when we launch a new route. Only in this case, at the request of the enterprise, these stops will be set, " - explained Grishchak. He added, if there is no need, this contract is automatically canceled at the end of the year.

"We didn't buy anything," the Kyivpastrans spokesman said. On December 20, 2023, the portal announced bidding for the purchase of "Modern Pavilions of Waiting". It is stated that the total amount of the possible agreement is UAH 8 396 428. 88. They are planned to spend on 30 public transport stops - that is, an average of UAH 279 880. 9 for the pavilion. Specialists of KP "Kyivpastrans" independently developed the drawings of pavilions in three projections.

There is already one participant on the tender page who announced the order by December 31, 2024 - is the company Montage Building77. The bid of the participant is 8 371 868,22 UAH: it is 20 thousand UAH less than the amount announced by the KSCA. The company with the name of MontazhUbud77 was found on the Clarity Project portal: it is stated that the authorized capital - 1 thousand UAH, the founder - the UK citizen Georgidas Georgios, created in 2017, did not participate in the bidding by 2023.