
An experienced "Wagnerists" were captured: they complained about the problems of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Two invaders surrendered themselves, the other two defense forces were taken by surprise. As it turned out, one of the prisoners of war participated in a march in Moscow in 2023. The National Guards were captured in the Kharkiv direction of the participant of the Wagner uprising in the Russian Federation. The press service of the operational-tactical group "Kharkiv" shared the details on September 25.

13 Brigade of Operational Purpose of NSU "Khartiya" replenished the exchange front in the Kharkiv direction. Two Russian invaders were captured by themselves, the other two defenders were suddenly captured in a rifle battle. "All prisoners - former prisoners, two of them -" Wagnerivtsi "with experience. One of the" Wagnerians ", in particular, participated in the campaign (Eugene, - ed.

) Prisoners of war said that due to the constant fire influence of the defense forces, it should be a long distance to reach the line of hollowing. In addition, because of fire control over the logistics paths of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, they cannot bring food with water. "Because of this, they drank water from the puddle," the press service reported to the captives.

It is noted that the intelligence and shock drones of the National Guard also do not allow the Russians to accumulate forces for mass attacks. We will remind, the officer of the special unit of GR "Timura" with the call sign "Viking" said that at the Vovchansky aggregate plant they captured about 20 enemy fighters. A few more dozen invaders have completed the losses.