
Skynex is death for Russia. That gives the Armed Forces a new German anti -aircraft complex

Especially for the war in Ukraine, the German concern Rheinmetall AG provided the latest Skynex anti -aircraft complex. The analyst Alexander Kochetkov details his features, explaining what opportunities he gives. Against the backdrop of this, there is also optimistic infa: Ukraine begins to appear in Ukraine. Not yet our production, however, encourages.

We urged the event: to carry your samples to Ukraine for military trials, because you do not simmer with all that happens to everything that happens to it with equipment. And this is a little happening. It is first and foremost about Skynex's anti -aircraft complex from the famous German concern Rheinmetall AG.

He also supplies to us the Gepard anti -aircraft complexes that have proven themselves well on the battlefield: he saw a video how this installation was demolishing a caliber missile that flew in its reach. But Skynex (2021 development) next to Gepard is like a modern smartphone and a button bell. Both complexes operate up to 4 km, both self -propelled, that is, they can promptly move on to intercepting air goals. Both have 35 mm guns. But there is a big "but".

If you need a few queues with a gun of Gepard on the target, and with small drones of the Mavicians, it is difficult for him (try this bee in this bee!), Skynex usually makes only two shots. And the second is the control. Because Skynex uses a programmed projectile that explodes not only when it hit the target, but also when it flies past it. A cloud of fragments is created, which is like destroying - a healthy winged rocket or a miniature drone. Or even a swarm of drones.

If you transfer to money, the cost of one destroyed air target in Skynex costs 4. 000 euros, and the missile complexes will be hundreds of thousands of the same euros. During the war, two Skynex research models were brought to Ukraine. And now a whole battery has arrived: four installations, a sensitive radar station and - most importantly, the Oerlikon Skymaster control system, which controls all the battery guns together.

Thanks to it, Skynex is not able to ride on the roads, but with the hostile flying shit is able to understand automatically. And if you add the speed of each gun 1000 shots per minute, then the complex is really able to reliably protect the Ukrainian sky. As for me, these complexes are very needed by Kharkiv, Dnipro and Odessa, who suffer from Shahheda attacks every day.

The second novelty that goes to us is my love as a former rocket launcher: a combined American-Swedish Glsdb system (Boeing developers together with SAAB). It is like the fact that this is a clear example of ingenuity - how to make something fundamentally new from two ordinary products. That radically saves time and development costs - what we need. At one time, the Americans decided to reduce the number of cassette combat units to HIMARS that they were in service.

Accordingly, the already produced missiles were disassembled, the main part was disposed of, and the M-26 missile engines were sent to the warehouse-just in case. And such unnecessary engines have accumulated several thousand. The states have a large number of winged GNU-39 winged aircraft: they are dumped from the aircraft, they straighten small wings and plan for a target for a distance of more than 100 km-depending on the height of the discharge.

They would eagerly give us these winged bombs, but we do not have enough aircraft to use them. And here someone is smart (Newton apples on the macitri shone, and this, perhaps, fireworks) suggests: and let's just screw the bomb to the rocket engine. Then no aircraft is needed, because there are already HIMRS starting installations in Ukraine, and Ukrainian operators use them skillfully.

It took less than a year to realize the idea in metal, to test, to correct the disadvantages and to establish a serial issue. Of course, they are not bombed, but still the pace of work should serve as a guide for our MIC.

In fact, we get new rockets for Nimars that fly not at 70 km, but 150 km, maneuvering in flight, which complicates intercepting, capable of punching up to 2 m of reinforced concrete (even in the dugout do not protect!) And if you illuminate with a laser, they can affect even the whole goals that move - cars, armored vehicles, ships.

Moreover, after separating the jet engine, the bomb with wings can fly the front line at a great height, turn around and attack enemy positions from the rear where they do not expect. No country in the world, even the United States, has such a multifunctional product yet. Because it is specially made for Ukraine. It is before our partners will be thrown to us.