
Exposes the owners of anonymous Telegram channels: in the Russian Federation created a neural network "Comrade Major"

According to the developers, the new neural network will identify administrators and owners of anonymous publications through the analysis of posts, report archives, as well as photo materials. Comrade Major's neural network has been developed in Russia, which should identify the owners of anonymous Telegram channels. About it writes the Russian media "Izvestia". According to the media, artificial intelligence explores communities in the messenger and identifies administrators and channel owners.

It analyzes the description of the channel, messages and built -in chats faster and better, acting as an analyst. Experts believe that this tool will be useful for state and private organizations engaged in the investigation of cybercrime. The project "Comrade Major" is in the stage of internal testing at T. Hunter.

NTI market expert Igor Bederov told reporters that a basic anthology of methods and techniques for Telegram-channel research was developed, and these methods have been taught the program. The neural network receives information about administrators from the description of the channel, copies of archives, posts and analyzes metadata from files. She then examines data leakage and compares them to a username or photo, faster and better than a person.

The neural network may also find information about mobile phones, addresses and other traces that are related to the user profile. It analyzes other identifiers and receives data from communities on social networks, blogs and websites. The neural network is the result of the work of one of the most common textual neural networks and works on the servers of the developer.

According to the creators, they have plans to teach a neural network to explore other objects such as social networks, telephone numbers, e -mail addresses and cryptocurrency wallets. Igor Bederov also noted that the full version of the neural network is planned to be released in 2024-2025, and it will be intended for state and private organizations engaged in the investigation of cybercrime related to the anonymous Telegram-communities.

He believes that this tool can be used to combat the spread of fakes in the messenger and identify their authors. But the founder of the communication agency PR perfect Christina Petrova, with whom Russian journalists also spoke, believes that the created neural network "Comrade Major" will not be able to work effectively, and she will need human help. She emphasized that the authors of the anonymous Telegram channels know how to hide their digital footprint.

Many of them are outside Russia or use VPN to hide or replace their IP addresses, and the accounts themselves can be registered with foreign telephone numbers. "For example, one channel can control several people in different parts of the world. News collection is often done with bots that different users are sent; As "Izvesti" adds, the debate is also ongoing whether the use of the new neural network will be legal and whether it will violate the law.

We will remind, in February 2023 the Russian media wrote that the FSB teaches neuroric networks to look for jokes about Putin on the Internet and fight "traitors". AI "Okulus" train to find in "calls for protests," propaganda of LGBT "and" calls for riots. " And in June 2021 in the Russian Federation AI-Service was launched, capable of generating FBK texts and silent about Putin.