
Desertion is growing: more and more invaders want to escape from the Russian army - Roszmi

Russian journalists write that most often demobilization of the Russian Federation want after receiving injuries, because they understand that after the hospital they will get to the front again. The Russian military is increasingly looking for ways to escape from service in the army. Thus, with the help of evasion of the autumn service, 89% more than the military of the Russian Federation appealed than the summer of this year.

Actually, if there were 305 such appeals in June-August, there were 577 in September-November. It is reported that from the beginning of April to the project, which helps the Russians to avoid mobilization or deserted from the army, sought the advice of more than a thousand military. Most of them sought the help of autumn.

According to human rights activist Sergei Kryvenko, such an increase in those who want to escape from the service is due to the fact that the Russian military no longer believe in demobilization. In particular, they see that there are no rotations, and even those soldiers who were seriously injured are sent to the war.

According to Grigory Sverdlin, the publication with reference to the head of the Project, it is the occupiers who are in the hospital, who are most often looking for ways to escape from service. One such Russian military told the Russian media that he decided to demobilize after he was injured. In particular, after the first injury, he did not pass any medical commission, and immediately sent it back to the front.

According to the occupier, when he got to the front again, his unit was supplemented by the former prisoners. A week later, he was given a team to raise ammunition to his comrades. At the same time, he was a second wound, because of the projectile from the quadcopter dropped under his feet. The Russian military also said that not all of the Russian army dare to escape because of fear of being caught. He explained that the fugitives were first sent to the field guardhouse, then again to the front.

Meanwhile, in the Project, "go through the forest" say that there were several cases of escape of the Russian military from the frontline zones, but this is extremely rare. In particular, the military is selected documents and issued only when they go on vacation or get to hospitals. Also, one of the methods of desertion is the delivery of the military in the Ukrainian captivity under the program "I want to live".

It is noted that from the beginning of mobilization, the occupiers have filed 22 thousand applications for voluntary delivery. Meanwhile, the mediaton publication writes that more than 4,000 cases have been received from the beginning of mobilization in the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation. Most people keep the terms and continue to be sent to war with Ukraine.

According to lawyer Maxim Grebenyuk, thus keeping control over the military in the Russian army, because at any time the conditional period can become real. The publication writes that one way of escape from service is to travel abroad. However, in the summer, the Russian legislation has made an amendment that stipulates that after receiving the summons, men should hand over their foreign passports within 5 days.

In this case, the occupiers can only leave the internal passport to neighboring countries, such as Kazakhstan. We will remind, on December 1, Vladimir Putin issued a decree that increased the number of Russian army by 170 thousand people. The Russian Ministry of Defense said that the increase will occur at the expense of Russians who will voluntarily sign contracts for service. Russia also plans to weaken the requirements for the health of conscripts.