
Cat and anthropomorphic figures: Archaeologists have found almost 30 new geoglyphs in Peru (photo)

In Peru, scientists have discovered previously unknown geoglyphs, which belong to the Parakas culture. They shed light on the rich history of ancient Peruvian astronomical and religious ideas of the ancient peoples. In the coastal region of ICA, Peru, archaeological discovery was made - 29 ancient geoglyphics were found. These unusual drawings were found by an archaeologist from the National University of San Louis Gonzaga (UNICA) with a team of 20 students, writes Arkeonews. In focus.

Technology has appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! This discovery took place almost three decades after UNESCO gave the famous lines and geoglyphics of Nazko on December 17, 1994. Newly found in El-Inghenio and Changilo geoglyphics shed light on the rich history of ancient Peruvian astronomical and religious ideas that reach the late Parakas and early period of the rainbow between 300 BC.

and 100 AD The drawings found on the slopes of the hills in San Francisco, the El-Inghenio area, and in the San Huang sector, Changil area, depict cats and anthropomorphic figures. This discovery was part of a four -month research project approved by the Ministry of Culture, headed by archeologist and teacher of the Unica Archeology School Omar Bendes de La Cruz.

Using advanced technologies, the team photographed geoglyphics with a drone and analyzed the image with specialized software to distinguish between shape shapes. In the El-Inghenio area, they found 10 geoglyphs depicting cat figures up to 17 meters in length and 12 meters high. Meanwhile, eight geoglyphs depicted cat figures in Changillo, reaching amazing 37 meters in length and 13 meters in height. In addition, anthropomorphic figures were found: ten in the El-Inghenio area and one in Changillo.

The value of these cat figures is associated with the culture of Parakas, an ancient civilization that flourished on the southern coast of Peru from about 800 BC. to 100 BC. The cats were a constant motive in the culture of the parakas, appearing on ceramics and textiles. Some scientists suggest that these figures symbolize the fertility and deity of water.

Parakas culture, marked by complex textile art and bright colors, played a key role in trade networks related to other ancient civilizations such as Chavin and Nazca. However, the decline of Parakas culture about 200 BC. It remains a mystery, perhaps related to changes in the environment or social conflicts.

This newly found collection of geoglyphics adds another layer to our understanding of ancient Peruvian cultures, offering to look into their artistic expressions, beliefs and connections with space. The use of modern technologies in this discovery emphasizes the evolution of methods that archaeologists use to reveal the mysteries of our past.