
Re -offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to Kiev: Budanov gave a clear answer if there is a threat

The head of GUR Kirill Budanov stressed that the agency was the first publicly warned of a full -scale attack of Russia. He refused to comment on the reaction of President Vladimir Zelensky. The head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense Cyril Budanov commented on the threat of a new offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on Kiev and a warning from the CIA in 2022. This is known with his interview with BBC, published on April 22.

The director of the US Central Intelligence Administration Bill Burns stated that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy rejected a warning about the probable offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to Kiev in 2022. Budanov refused to comment on the Bank and confirm or refute the words of the CIA leader. "He expressed his position. You can perceive it or not to perceive it. This is your personal business," said GUR chairman.

However, he confirmed that Ukrainian intelligence also "obviously" had information about the threat. "There are stories that cannot be crossed out. It seems that in October we were the first publicly said that yes, the situation is threatening, so, so, if you raise (archival news), then there was such a scheme on which The arrows were, where, what to go. The answer to this data of Zelensky reconnaissance refused to comment on this data.

As for the rumors about the probable second offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to Kiev, the head of GUR assured that they were "unfounded". According to him, as of now, there is absolutely no threat. We will remind, on April 21, American businessman Ilon Musk predicted the "eternal war" in Ukraine. The statement was reacted in the Presidential Office.