
The actor from the series "Glukhar" Cyril Kanakhin in the Russian Federation was sentenced in absentia to lifelong term

The actor is now part of the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDC). The Second Western District Military Court condemned Kanakhin in absentia on charges of treason. The Second Western District Military Court condemned the fighter of the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDC) and former actor Kirill Kanakhin to life imprisonment in the case of the State Council (Article 275 of the Criminal Code). Russia states that it was part of a detachment that entered the territory of the Bryansk region. About it reports TASS.

Earlier, Kanakhin, in addition to the State Council, was thrown into a terrorist attack (paragraph "B" Part 3 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code), illegal purchase and transportation of explosive devices and weapons committed by a group of persons (part 4 of Article 222, part 4 of Article 222. 1 of the Criminal Code implementation of terrorist activity and participation in the terrorist community (Article 205. 3 and Part 2 of Article 205. 4 of the Criminal Code).

Rosfinmonitoring introduced Kanakhin to the list of extremists and terrorists, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced it on the international wanted list. Last November, Moscow District Court arrested him in absentia. It is claimed that he participated in hostilities against Russian troops in the Kherson region, and then in the widely covered RDC raids into the territory of Bryansk and Belgorod regions of Russia in March and May last year.

Literally, the text of the sentence states: "Kanakhin attacked the village of Lyubechans in the Bryansk region in the RDC on March 2, 2023. He, together with other saboteurs, got into the Russian settlement and killed two locals. " However, the court did not provide confirmation of these facts. The actor himself has not commented on this situation yet. There are also no comments from the RDC. Earlier it was stated that the Russian Volunteer Corps was near Avdiivka.

Cyril Kanakhin was born in Moscow in 1982. In 2003 he graduated from the above theater School. Shchepkin. 41-year-old Kanakhin, in particular, played in the TV series "Glukhar", and also starred in the series "District", "Simple Truths", played at the Moon Theater. According to a verdict, which was quoted by Russian media, he left the territory of Russia, being a "supporter of right -wing nationalist views", and in August 2022 he joined the RDC.

The Russian Volunteer Corps is a military unit formed in August 2022 to protect Ukraine from armed aggression of the Russian Federation. It is part of the international legion of territorial defense of Ukraine. The corps is formed of Russian emigrants living in Ukraine and other European countries. The RDC includes the former military Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, FSB and Interior Ministry employees in the past, activists of nationalist informal movements.