
If the US does not impose sanctions against China, it will open the way to the victory of the Russian Federation in the war - WSJ

According to journalists, Chinese President Xi Jinping will perceive the US weakness as green light on the way to the historical ability to blow the event. If the United States does not impose sanctions against China, it will open the way to the victory of Russia in the war with Ukraine, as it will become clear that Americans are bluffing and not ready to impose severe restrictions on those who support the aggressor state. About it writes The Wall Street Journal, reports Mirror of the Week.

China crossed the "Red Line" by US President Joe Biden about Ukraine, which the American leader outlined in March 2022. Then Biden warned China's leader Xi Jinping against providing "financial support" of Russia. On Friday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken acknowledged that Xinpic had ignored this warning. According to Blinken, China "is overwhelmingly a supplier # 1 of" Russian military-industrial base, which causes fundamental changes in the course of war.

"Whatever Mr Biden did not decide to do next, it will be crucial for global safety and stability," the material reads. The US President can either insist on compliance with his "red line" by imposing sanctions, or taking symbolic measures, which will testify to the collapse of American determination.

Beijing and his strategic partners in Moscow, Tehran, Pyongyang and Karakas will perceive half -mates as green light for the spread of global chaos, as Xi Jinping sees this historical opportunity to undermine the event. "The inability to take decisive action against China will now open the way to the victory of Russia in Ukraine," the newspaper said. Biden spent his "red line" three weeks after Vladimir Putin began a full -scale invasion of Ukraine.

However, as Biden himself noted, he became convinced that Xi Jinping realizes that he would "be significantly dangerous" and jeopardize China's economic ties with the US and Europe if he financially supports Russia. In 2022, Baiden's office supported his ultimatum with specific warnings. In particular, the Trade Minister Gina Raymomondo has warned that the administration could close the largest Chinese manufacturer of Semiconductor Manupacting International Corporation.

China believed it, and in 2022 Beijing tried not to cross the "red line". However, in 2023, Baiden administration only applied symbolic sanctions to Iranian drone suppliers. "The Chinese probably decided that Blef Biden was really bluff," the article reads. According to journalists, a turning point in Russia against Ukraine was the visit of Xi Cinpin to Moscow in March 2023, which in fact turned the Russian-Ukrainian war into a War of China with the West.

Recall that on April 26, State Secretary of the United States Anthony Blinken stressed that China does not take steps to resolve issues concerning Russia's support, the United States will do it. According to him, China will not be able to establish relations with Europe if he continues to support Russia.