
The Russian Federation captured the coal: whether everyone was able to get out of the city and how the Armed Forces would restrain the enemy

The Ukrainian military failed to keep defense in the coal because of the enemy's pressure. As a result, the decision was made to retain for the preservation of the lives of warriors and equipment. The focus found out how the situation on the front would change and what another direction may be at risk. On the morning of October 2, Deepstate analysts said that the Russian military managed to occupy the coal of Donetsk region. As a result, the Volnovaksky district was completely lost.

In the Tavriya Osv, the removal of units of the coal defense forces for the preservation of personnel and military equipment, occupying a position for further actions was confirmed. "In an effort to take the city under any cost, it was possible to direct (enemy-ed. ) Reserves for conducting flanking blows, which depleted the defense of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a result of the enemy's actions, there was a threat to the city's environment," the statement said.

Focus tells about the situation in the Donbass Activities, the Further Defense of the Armed Forces and the goals of the Russian military at the front. Sources in the 72nd OMB stated focus that in the carbon in the Donbass "Who could-left the city. " The co -founder of the Deepstate project Roman Pogorely reported focus that the situation with the collet was corrected late. Further, the soldiers need to fix themselves on the new borders and try to maintain the pressure of the enemy.

"There is already a question of prepared positions for the military, not so that they depart, as it was in Avdiivka, and built themselves those positions to keep the enemy. It is the involvement of resources, we will see what they will be to restrain that pressure," - - - - Roman Pogorely said. He noted that the further actions of the defense forces depend on where the Russians will go and what resources will be applied.

"Now they have taken the coal, they will be fixed there, regroup, and then we will see how it will happen further," he stressed. Borily stated that if the command made conclusions from the coal situation and takes into account the mistakes in the future, "it will be the eighth miracle of the world.

" In the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces and military analyst Alexei Hetman, in conversation with Focus, noted that the Armed Forces should continue to keep defense at the front after the loss of the coal. In particular, there are other dominant heights in the area where it can be done, given the terrain. "There is no open door that something opens there, and Russians can move some hundred kilometers to the west. This is a fool full.

Just as we keep defense in Kurakhiv direction, Toretsky, Pokrovsky, Kupyansk-Limansk ", - explained the Major of the Armed Forces. He, with reference to the Institute of War Study, reported that the loss of a carbon is a tactical failure, but not a strategic one, the whole war and front will not be significantly affected. The head of the Center for Military Legal Research Alexander Musienko declared focus that the departure of the coal defense forces under conditions was inevitable.

It is also possible when it was somewhat belated, but you need to wait for official information. In particular, it is delayed in order to provide certain procedures related to the departure of fighters from positions. After leaving the positions in the carbon, according to Musienko, it is necessary to look again on this area of ​​the front. "I think that Ukrainian troops will gradually retreat, perhaps to Kurakhov, where they will keep the defense in the future.

Now it is important to find places, heights, to equip positions where you can restrain the enemy. But it is obvious that restraining the enemy more efficiently in settlements, especially In large, not just directly in open areas, in clean field or in small settlements, " - said Alexander Musienko. According to him, after the coalwar, Ukraine lost a very profitable defense position, which allowed the fighters to restrain and stop the enemy.

As a result, this can result in the consequences when Ukrainians will have to retreat somewhat on this area of ​​the front, as far as far and quickly - will depend on the development of the operational situation. Alexei Hetman said that the departure of the troops, when the enemy almost surrounded the city, is a panic escape. As a result, the troops will have great losses. "Operation on organized troops is also a combat operation that is planned.

In difficulty, it is the most difficult operation of all operations of the Armed Forces," said Alexei Hetman. According to him, all types of operations are easier than the removal of troops. He is convinced that the operation of removal of troops from the coal was planned and conducted. Nowadays there is no information, even on propaganda channels, that Ukraine has suffered great losses in the carbon. "This means that our troops also seem to be there, because there could be an entourage.

Then there is a rhetorical question - if there is no loss and there is no troops there, then it was a successful operation to dismiss the troops or not good?" Asked the analyst. He said that the army is constantly loss, because it is a war. However, there were no information about heavy losses or some captives of Ukrainian servicemen on Russian TV channels. Roman Pogorely believes that after the occupation of the coal, the enemy can try to squeeze the curakhov.

In particular, Veliky Novosilka and Kurakhovo are two large settlements that remained and on which all the defense will be tied. According to Pogorely, the enemy had previous successes and pressed from Maksimilyanivka, Krasnogorivka, while a new direction is opened with the carbon. "Although there are many more villages. Now to say that they will be right for Kurakhov or Greater Novosilka," he added.

Oleksandr Musienko believes that nowadays the occupiers will concentrate on Kurakhiv and Pokrovsky directions, trying to take Kupjansk in the environment. Currently, these are the main goals of the enemy - on the southern flank to move from the coal to Kurakhov and Pokrovsk, and at the northern point of the eastern flank to fight for the purpose of attempting to surround the Kupyansk. "That's what is in Kharkiv region is what is traced now.

And this is the following possible enemy goals," the expert added. We will remind, on October 2, the OSINT analyst and the military observer Vitaliy Kononokhenko stated that after the occupation of the coal in the Donbass of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may resort to attempts of Kurakhov. According to him, the enemy wants to do it before the cold.