
During the visit of the Zelensky USA, cultural values ​​stolen by the Russian Federation in occupation were transferred to Ukraine

During the President's trip to the United States, US law enforcement officials officially handed over to Ukraine artifacts stolen in the occupied territories. The certificate of transfer of Ukrainian values ​​confiscated by US law enforcement agencies was signed by the US Department of Internal Security Alekhandro Mayorkas and the Ambassador of Ukraine to the USA Oksana Markarova in the presence of Vladimir Zelensky. About it reports the office of the President.

The head of the state thanked everyone involved in the return of values ​​for their work and stressed that it once again certified the support of Ukraine by American society. "After all, when something returns to Ukraine, something stolen by the Russians, it means the return of life and justice, which is very important," the President said.

The Ambassador of Ukraine Oksana Markarova noted that the Russians are constantly trying to steal the history of Ukraine, its national identity, our artifacts. "We will not allow them to do it," she emphasized. It should be reminded that in June 2022 the US Customs Border Service detained the subject of antiquity, which was a European iron ax of the seventeenth century with a hammer on the back. The ax was illegally removed from Ukraine.

Also, last year, artifacts were illegally imported to the United States from Russia. In particular, these artifacts were confiscated for the transfer of the Embassy of Ukraine to the United States in administrative order. We will remind, Focus wrote how on November 6 the Russians took a valuable collection of paintings from the Kherson Art Museum to the Crimea.

At the same time, the occupiers who organized the export of the cultural heritage of Ukraine did not take care of the proper transportation of the exhibits. The paintings were wrapped with rags and made in trucks. Earlier, on April 27, it became known that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was plundering the Art Museum in the occupied Mariupol. Among the exhibits were the works of Archpa Quinji, as well as the original of one of Ivan Aivazovsky's paintings.