
They captured the Mine of Artem's Mine: Russian troops could advance near Toretsk and Donetsk - isw (maps)

According to American analysts, geolocation footage in August 14 and 18 shows that Russian troops have recently advanced in the northwestern and western parts of the iron. At the same time, there is no confirmation of the message about the capture of New York and promotion to Neplipivka. Russian troops advanced to the east and southeast of the city of Toretsk, Donetsk region against the background of offensive operations on August 20.

On August 20, geolocation shots indicate that Russian troops have recently advanced along the streets of Central and Youth in the Northwestern and western part of the North. About it writes "Institute of War Study" in the summary of August 20. Additional geolocation footage for August 14 and 18 indicate that the Russian troops recently advanced in the northwestern and western parts of the iron (east of Toretsk) and captured the dump of the mine. Artem (western outskirts of the city).

Ukrainian sources reported that the defense forces are still "controlled" by about 20% of New York settlement, but Russian troops are being moving in the area. Russian guidance bloggers repeated the official statement of the Russian Federation that the Russian troops were cleared of the Ukrainian forces of New York, fully seized and advanced to Neplipivka. But the ISW did not find confirmation.

Recently, Russian troops advanced west of Donetsk against the background of offensive operations in the area on August 20. On August 18, geolocation shots indicate that the Russian troops recently advanced in the northwest of Krasnogorivka. Russian sources reported that on August 20, the fighting in Krasnogorivka continued. On August 20, Russian troops continued offensive operations southwest of Donetsk, but there were no confirmed changes on the front line.