
They are approaching the war: the Ministry of Defense of Britain explained why the Russian Federation is punished for a "goal party"

The Kremlin opposed the entertainment of the capital's elite and the military everyday life of ordinary Russian "patriots". Participants in this party apply rigid articles of laws to be fined and sent to war. Ordinary Russians should feel that the Russian Federation is involved in the war. That is why the participants of the "Holoky Party", which took place in Moscow with the participation of figures of Russian show business - Philip Kirkorov, Lolita, Anna Asti and others, are publicly and loud.

The Kremlin's motives are referred to in a brief analytical post of the UK Ministry of Defense on the social network X (Twitter). The main reason why the Russian leadership decided to punish show business figures is the effort to draw the attention of the Russian population to "the presence of war in public life. " The enhanced and exaggerated reaction aims to show the contrast between events on the front and the rear, British analysts explained.

Thus, ordinary Russian "patriots" and a pro -Western elite opposed. "The consequences of a scandal with a" almost naked "party are demonstrating an increasing presence of war in public life. The Kremlin has almost surely intensified and used the scandal, trying to" patriotic "depict the contrast between the Russians with the support of military efforts and hedonistic" Western ".

The post told that the Kremlin created a "black list" of 50 artists involved in the party, which was arranged by blogger Nastya Ivleev. Recently, these people have lost their opportunity to continue their activities in the Russian Federation.

Among the penalties used by the Kremlin against the elite - imprisonment, penalties for "LGBT propaganda", a summons to the military enlistment office - were reminded in the Ministry of Defense of Britain, which the Russian authorities used against participants of the party. In addition, their concerts are massively canceled and cut from TV broadcasts.

It should be noted that on December 20, 2023, a party was held at the Moscow Night Club "Mutabor", whose participants had to come "almost dressed". At the party it was forbidden to shoot, but on the network there were pictures on which you can see the semi-dressed famous figures of showbusiness-singers Philip Kirkorov, Lolita, Anna Asti, journalist Ksenia Sobchak, rapper-noun Vacio. After the photos were shown in the Kremlin, the reaction of power began.