
Russia will no longer be able to break the global summit

Dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Today is our gratitude to Sweden: there is a new and very significant military package for our soldiers. Significant strengthening. Yesterday-on the way to Ukraine after a business trip-just spoke with Mr. Prime Minister Christerson and about the situation on the battlefield, and what we need now. We work maximum to make our air defense more effective, and Sweden gives Ukraine special aircraft of radar surveillance, also in this package - armored vehicles, shells.

The total volume of the package is almost a billion two hundred million euros. Thank you, Swive! One of our most fundamental partners, and thanks to Sweden, has already been rescued in Ukraine. Today, however, he heard the reports of the Chief Committee, the Chief of Staff, the Minister of Defense of our country on the situation at the front now, on our actions.

Attention to all directions, and especially Pokrovsky and Kurakhivsky in Donetsk region, as well as Kupyansky and other areas in Kharkiv region. I am grateful to every unit that does everything you need to stabilize the frontal situation. We are preparing for the further activity of the enemy - we clearly understand what tasks and for what purpose Putin sets his army. It will be our answer to him.

And just as we prepare our diplomatic answers to Russian efforts to weaken the peace of peace, which will begin in two weeks. Russia will no longer be able to disrupt the summit, although it is very trying to do so. He presses on leaders, frankly threatens different states destabilization. And this is one of the consequences that the world has given too much time. Unfortunately, evil is able to adapt and now uses its resources to split the world and not allow Russia to be forced to peace.

But with us now - almost one hundred countries and international organizations that are involved in global efforts. Today he held a long meeting with all our officials working to prepare the summit. There were both the office of the office, and government officials-the Prime Minister, the Ministers, and the Verkhovna Rada was represented-the speaker of the parliament along the lines of inter-parliamentary relations is now in contact with many states.

He set the task almost daily to detail the countries that still need our work to be at the summit and the countries that have already confirmed their participation - to make the summit so effective that is needed to approach real peace.

Thank you all the leaders who help! I thank everyone in the world who these days - literally on the phone, constantly in contacts, in negotiations, so that this global format can be an example - an example of how the joint work of different nations of the world can restore the effectiveness of the UN Charter and force the aggressor to peace. Today he spoke with Australia Prime Minister-Australia also confirmed her participation in the summit.