
The Armed Forces raised the flag of Ukraine in Krynki, while in the Russian Federation they lie about the capture of the village (video)

The Ukrainian flag of the Marines was established just when the so -called "Defender of the Fatherland Day" is celebrated in Russia. So, the team of the brigade "congratulated" the Russian General Mikhail Teplinsky from "23 February". Ukrainian servicemen raised the State Flag of Ukraine on the water tower in the Krynki on the Left Bank in the Kherson region. This was reported on Friday, February 23 by Deepstate.

Analysts say that the flag was installed by fighters of the 35th Separate Marine Corps named after Mikhail Ostrogradsky. The Ukrainian flag was established by the defenders when the so -called "Defender of the Fatherland Day" is celebrated in Russia. So, the team of the brigade "congratulated" the Russian General Mikhail Teplinsky from "23 February". "In the glorious traditions, as once under Narva and Pskov, a Russian soldier is defeated in victory," Deepstate wrote.

In addition, the brigade released a video with the establishment of the Ukrainian flag on the water tower in the Krynki, and at the end of the recording added an unsuccessful attempt to hang their tricolor. On February 21, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu met with the President of the Russian Federation Putin and reported that the Krynka on the left bank of Kherson region was cleared of the Armed Forces. No evidence was provided on his part.

Shoigy's statements were denied in the south defense forces. According to the Ukrainian command, the assault actions of the enemy on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region have no success, and therefore the Russians resorted to manipulation and falsification of facts. ISW analysts explained why the Russian Federation is spreading fakes.

Experts emphasize that the Kremlin may become increasingly declared about "victories" on the battlefield to support information efforts that simultaneously "glorify Putin and demoralize Ukraine". It should be reminded that on February 13, Ukrainian servicemen raised the State Flag of Ukraine on the water tower in the Kryni on the Left Bank in the Kherson region.