
PKS of the Russian Federation received the first upgraded MiG-31BM fighters: what is known about machines

Experts point out that high-rise interceptors are armed with modern air-air-air rockets P-37 and R-77, as well as equipped with the Zaklon-M radar system. The Ministry of Defense of Russia reported on the receipt of the MIG-31BM interceptors, which was supplied by the Nizhny Novgorod Aviation Plant "Sokol". On July 15, the press service of the Joint Aviation Corporation (UAC). Sokil sent Russia the Defense Ministry of the first MiG-31 aircraft aircraft, which were repaired and upgraded.

After conducting a complex of ground and flight tests that confirmed the specified requirements, planes are sent to permanent bases, "-said in the press release. It is noted that modernized MiG-31 allegedly" have high combat characteristics and are able to successfully solve problems in modern conditions " .

Постачання літаків відбулося в рамках державного оборонного замовлення, проте параметри постачання не розкриваються. Відомо, що всі машини пройшли капітальний ремонт і модернізацію, а також необхідні наземні та льотні випробування.

Після прийняття техніки інженерним складом літаки вирушили до місць постійного базування. Оглядачі Bulgarian Military On this occasion, the MiG-31 planes are not released in Russia, so the Falcon plant in Nizhny Novgorod is modernizing the MiG-31BM levels already released. flight up to 20 600 meters and develop speeds up to 2. 83 Mach (about 3,000 km per hour).

MiG-31BM is armed with various air-air missiles, including P-33, P-37 and P-77, which allows it to effectively neutralize air threats at considerable distances. The length of the machine reaches 22. 69 meters, the height is 6. 15 meters, and the wingspan is 13. 46 meters. The aircraft is equipped with two turbo-fuel engines Solovyov D-30F6 with a fountling camera, which provide high thrust and operational capabilities.

The Zallon-M radar system allows you to identify and accompany several goals at the same time, and upgraded navigation and communication systems increase the aircraft. "According to the plans of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the MiG-31 will serve before the emergence of a new altitude interceptor, which will be replaced" Thirty-first ",-summarized the observers.